Which Bell Peppers ?

Interesting stuff. I have a few bells growing from Burpee seeds. They haven't gotten near as big as the ones at the store. I've also started some orange bells from storebought peppers. I wasn't sure how they'd turn out. Germination was 100% but they're still small. I have some choco bells growing from AjiJoe so between all of them hopefully I'll have some nice bell peppers. We eat alot of them around this house.
the only way to get good sized bells is to prune them appropriately. i have a document somewhere... i followed it for my rock wool bells and i got grocery store sized fruits in less than favorable conditions.
I am growing big bertha bell peppers myself, so far they are getting pretty size. Here is one that i took back on jan 03.

They some are getting a good size, I can take some photos tommorrow if you like and and they are getting about 50-75% of my hand.

This year I decided to grow three types of sweet peppers so I just started to germinate Emerald Giant, Red Marconi and Jimmy Nardello. I have never grown any of the three before as last year being my first year I tried to grow three green pepper plants I picked up from Lowes and they were tough, getting anything nice sized was very challenging and most were undersized. I hope that better success with be obtained with these three varieties.