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Which chilli for stuffing?

Hahaha, thanks all for the suggestions :)

Hell, she certainly wouldn't forget a 7-pot-surprise thats for sure :) . Last week i tried a ravioli dish with some thai hots and you would not believe the moans she was letting out! Most enjoyable for me i assure you :P

I think i'll get some poblano, fresnos, bishops crown, and hungarian hot wax.

Are hungarian hot wax / banana peppers / yellow hot wax all the same pepper???
Hungarian wax and banana pepprs are basically the same except banana peppers are often not hot.

Bob B, bishop's crown peppers are very mild, some say there is more heat in the "wings" but I haven't noticed it.
Ya, although mild the bishop's crown are usually a great shape for stuffing and make a unique looking appetizer


I was wonering what to do with all those strange looking pods!
A highly productive plant also.
I did stuff bhuts last week, people told me I nearly killed someone.

Friend's boyfriend ate one, and he is like this is nice, I went outside and came back in and find him throwing his guts up, sweating, so much shit coming out his nose so I patted him on the back and he said "Man, I have had hot, but never this hot ..." good times, I was in stitches laughing. Another mate threw it up when he felt it burning his stomach, bad idea, burnt more coming up than it did going down, another mate just drank half the punch bowl trying to put out the heat ...

I just ate one, and walked around normally ... no drink or anything :) I think I am building up an insane resistance very fast :D

Also I think my friend is still not happy with me for "nearly killing" her boyfriend ... but he was alright after, still had a red face an hour later though.
Well, it wasn't for everyone ... I only gave it to the guy that drank half the punch (And he can handle heat), it was one of my brothers seeing the expression on my mates face that gave it out to the other two ... but I still got the blame ... after that, no one else dare tried them. But they were really really nice, feta and mozzarella stuffed naga pods grilled in the barbecue.
bigt said:
Now, that is funny! Good one. Anybody got any good recipes for stuffing peppers?

This is what I use:

If you want them super hot, then don't soak them...

Stuffed Rocotos
This recipe is a signature dish of Arequipa, a city spectacularly located in the Andes of southern Peru. Famous throughout the country, it has become a national dish, right behind ceviche and aji de gallina. The Peruvians typically accompany stuffed rocotos with beer, although a red wine is also appropriate. Note: This recipe requires advance preparation.
6 rocotos (large jalapenos may be used as a substitute)
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 medium onion, finely chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 pound ground beef
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1/4 cup pitted olives, chopped
1 teaspoon salt
1 to 2 tbl spoons Aji Armirillo paste(Mi Pueblo sells it)
2 teaspoons raisins
1 egg, lightly beaten
6 yellow potatoes, boiled and cut in half
1 cup grated mozzarella or Gruyere cheese
1/4 cup milk
Freshly ground black pepper to taste
One day prior to serving, cut the tops off the rocotos. The tops may be saved as a garnish. Remove all seeds and veins. Soak the rocotos for 24 hours in a bowl of water with 2 tablespoons salt, changing the water at least twice.
Heat the oil in a frying pan, add the onions and cook until tender. Add the garlic and fry for 2 minutes. Add the meat, aji armarillo paste and cumin and fry until cooked. Add the olives, salt, raisins, and the beaten egg.
Stuff the rocotos with this mixture.
In a glass baking dish, arrange the rocotos and potatoes. Add the milk and arrange the cheese atop the rocotos.
Bake at 400° F for 40 minutes.
Yield: Six servings as an appetizer
Heat Scale: Hot
Thank you Scarpetti - I am going to give it a go when my yellows ripen. But I may substitute the Aji amarillo paste with Aji Panca paste since I'm growing those this year.

Thanks again.
thanks scarpetti for the reciepe, Potawie your bishops crowns look great, what do you stuff them with? My bishops crown would almost fall under the catagory of "Tree" I have heaps of pods but have not tried stuffing them but your pictures made me drool :lol: cant wait to give it a go next season
bigt said:
Now, that is funny! Good one. Anybody got any good recipes for stuffing peppers?

check out the popper throw down thread...lots of variety for stuffing...
dallas said:
Potawie your bishops crowns look great, what do you stuff them with?

I've tried many types of stuffing but the ones in the pic are just simple with goat's cheese and bacon slighly grilled. This year I plan to use my sausage stuffer to mass produce some stuffed peppers and poppers but I have to wait a while this year for a good harvest.
I enjoy the Jalapeno pepper poppers but I do not extract the seeds or veins. It's gives them a good kick but not a killer hot. I LOVE them when prepared like this.
I like the earthiness of a roasted poblano. Perfect for stuffing. If you want it hotter you can fit some smaller peppers inside :lol: