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shopping Which Fox Farm product is best ?

Fox Farm Ocean Forest or Happy Frog? I'm gonna transplant my seedlings in a couple of weeks and am gonna use one of these mixes. I've heard good things about Happy Frog but have no experience with it. I'm told it's s soil mix as opposed to soilless mix. My experience with Ocean Forest is limited but from what Ive used I like it and I've heard good things about it. I can also get Roots Organic 707, Pro Mix, Sunshine Mix, Black Gold, all the most common mixes are available here.
I have only used Ocean Forest with good results but it needs perlite.

If i were you I would use Happy frog because it is cheaper and you get more. I would even say go with sunshine but those soils mixes like fox have a better buffer and if you are a new grower I would say stay with soil or potting mix and just master the correct watering.
I used their Light Warrior seed starting mix and found that only C. annuum thrived in it, but my problem might also have been temperature-related.
I have only used Ocean Forest with good results but it needs perlite.

If i were you I would use Happy frog because it is cheaper and you get more. I would even say go with sunshine but those soils mixes like fox have a better buffer and if you are a new grower I would say stay with soil or potting mix and just master the correct watering.

Perlite? With all of the already existing perlite?!? I could never imagine a soil with that much perlite in it..
I have used 80% perlite and 20% soil, I find that best :halo:

Look at pro mix HP it has up to 30% perlite, way more then fox farm. The thing is those soils have nice buffers which is why I like soil but if you really want ever more air porosity try growing in coco or my 1/2"-1" bark mix.

I haven't used Ocean Forest, but I am using Happy Frog right now in my potted up plants. And let me tell you, they LOVE it. Lots of growth and nice deep green color to the leaves. I would recommend it. Still a bit expensive for my liking. I still want to try the Root Organics soils when I pot up to 5 gallons since it is a bit less expensive.
The difference as I understand it is that Happy frog is all iclusive with perlite and worm castings so you don't have to buy and mix them altogether which is a pain. I switched from manually mixing all three as soon as it came out.
I have only used Ocean Forest with good results but it needs perlite.

If i were you I would use Happy frog because it is cheaper and you get more. I would even say go with sunshine but those soils mixes like fox have a better buffer and if you are a new grower I would say stay with soil or potting mix and just master the correct watering.

What do you mean by buffers ?
I have used Ocean for seedlings all the way up. It is good but expensive.

If you want to increase the air porosity of the soil then yes use as much perlite as you want, the more the better.
I have used Ocean for seedlings all the way up. It is good but expensive.

If you want to increase the air porosity of the soil then yes use as much perlite as you want, the more the better.

Do you use perlite for seedlings ? Also when do you pot up the first time?
I'm not real familiar with the amount of perlite in either mix Robin so I can't really say if adding perlite would help or not. I would assume that both mixes contain the amount the manufacturers believe is the best. When I do try something new I like to use it straight up and do any adjustments as/if necessary. I have used Happy Frog Soil Conditioner and absolutely love it. I use it with old, used medium to crank it back up or I use a small amount of it with some of the more basic mixes. You can turn Pro Mix BX into Pro Mix HP with the addition of the HF Soil Conditioner.

I will usually pot up from the 3 oz cups to 20 oz cups when I have four true leaves. If the seedling got leggy I'll do it a bit earlier and then pot up to the cotyledons.

Here's a couple that I'll be potting up real soon.


The cotyledons got a bit sunburned from being too close to the light. Having some back troubles and I'm not able to keep as close an eye on them as I would like.
I will have to stop giving many information because many are looking at me like I am flooding this too much, when I am just trying to help new gardeners???

"I can't really say if adding perlite would help or not"

I can, When You increase the grow medium air porosity you grow faster plants. If adding perlite did nothing then growing in hydroponics would not yield more in a faster harvest then soil. Why? Because the air at the roots.

Many growers will NOT use potting mix or peat at all because thae want faster results. So yes adding perlite will grow plants way faster.

Look at my 1/2"-1" bark media above in the picture. That has even higher air porosity then pro mx hp.
Capsicum. So you're saying that any growing medium can be improved by adding more perlite?

If perlite was a magic growing medium and made everyones plants grow faster then please tell me why I've never heard or seen a grower on this web site use it as their only growing medium? I've been growing plants in pots for years and years and have a lot of experience and I know many other growers and gardeners whom I would consider some of the best, I know botanists with advanced degrees and PhD's and not one of them has ever said to me "Grow in perlite only, your plants will grow big and strong in half the time."
Commercial operations use 100% perlite, go look it up.

You can grow in anything = hydroponics. You may want to check up with those Botanists you know so they can confirm what I am saying and help you understand.

People grow in coco chips. Did you know that????? Does hydroponics grow more then soil? Yes Why? Because of air at the roots

"Perlite is one of the best hydroponic growing mediums around. Used by itself or as a mixture with other mediums. Perlite is commonly used with vermiculite ( a 50 - 50 mix is a very popular medium), and is also one of the major ingredients of soiless mix's. perlite has good wicking action which makes it a good choice for wick-type hydroponic systems. Perlite is also relatively inexpensive."

http://www.simplyhyd...om/growing1.htm :read more