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Which is the better name for a pepper database?

Which is the better name for a pepper database with wikipedia style functions

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Capsicum Archives.....

Sounds old, outdated, as in no longer relevant so has been 'archived'.... 🤷

The function of an archive is to safe/store all information about the present and the past. It's a less funky word for "database". This and this are "archives" I use and never thought of them as outdated, on the contrary...
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Well the poll only has two options so... 😹
Confused Trailer Park Boys GIF
Ok here's a better question: who is going to moderate this database? On what criteria are entries curated?

As an example: I just created Pepper Butthole. Is that going to be included? OBTW it's an F1.

What are the parameters?

I understand that one needs to maintain a degree of relevance and this is clearly a way to create traction on THP but let's not get gimmicky. Every Tom, Dick and Harry has some junkyard cross.

This is stepping into the mire. Unless of course there's no thing such as bad publicity
Pepper Butthole is is obviously a sarcastic reference to the myriad accidental and intentional crosses and hybrids out there.

The other very real issue is the naming convention. Back in the day everything was a 7 Pot because 7 Pots were all the rage. Suddenly there was the 7 Pot Burgundy (a Congo), 7 Pot Congo Gigantic (really?!) 7 Pot Primo (actually should just be Primo because it is a cross), 7 Pot Nebru (another cross). What's the difference between a 7Pot Brown and a Douglah?

Please don't answer these Q's as I feel I have already derailed the OP.

My opinion is that it really is a waste of time unless there are very strict parameters such as used by orchid growers as an example.