Which is your hottest mine is the Viper

I grew several varities of peppers about 35 to be exact including many 7 pots, butch t, infinity, brain strain etc. Having sampled many of these peppers in my opinion The Naga Viper hands down is the hottest. I've seen this pod make folks panic, vomit, cry. It is scalding hot. What has been your experience?


The Carolina Reaper was hottest in my book but closely fallowed by the 7 pot brown and the chocolate moruga hixs
my dorset naga was the hottest but because of its aroma and flavour it wasn't the worst burn, that honour goes to my orange fatalii - it is how it burns that is painful.
favourite pepper award went to my yellow 7 - i can still feel the memory of the heat circling around in my mouth with that fruity flavour.

good growing in 2013.
Hottest individual pepper was a moruga i got in themail, but the hottest avg was by FAR the bhuts. and they were second hottest individual not too far off. SO ya..
Utube is for a couch potato---get off your eazy chair and check your garden---Oh you don't have a garden then why bother us with Spam? If you have any of those white bell peppers left the send them to Heaven C/O peter gate keeper and see if he wants them.
I'd have to say a douglah or a red morouga. I tried a portion of a viper but it was air-dried and I think dried peppers lose some of their heat?
Out of my garden... my yellow brain that went red has been the most painful. The douglah, that's actual brown (others went red), are real close. Butch Ts & TS morugas are close. The morugas vary more. Then choc bhuts, then red bhuts going down.

Almost for got regular scorps. Between the choc and red bhuts.
sorry to Spankyscolts because my statment got the drama started by someone that didn't have ANYTHING USEFUL TO SAY ON YOUR TOPIC.
My Butch Ts have given people the standard ridiculous burn... but I and many others have independently noticed that they also give you kind of a headache!!! Very hot
sorry to Spankyscolts because my statment got the drama started by someone that didn't have ANYTHING USEFUL TO SAY ON YOUR TOPIC.

Didn't even notice my friend ; )

Here's a video of a guy who just swiped the inside of my Viper with his finger then licked it


I've seen this pepper make die hard pepper heads vomit, panic, and cry. Maybe it was just this batch but Im telling you it is instant pain that builds and seems like it will never stop.
LMAO thats some funny shit man, is it ok if i post my review of the douglah vs 7 pot brown video, both are brutal peppers
My own Lucy pod is the hottest for me this season and last season its seen off the Jonah, Brain Strain, Viper and
Butch T.