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seeds which of your peppers had the Fastest/slowest germination rates?

I've had some amazingly fast germination in 3 days for some annuum's and some of my crossbred seedlings have taken well over a month.

Which have been your fastest and slowest?
My Trinidads and cross breeds took the longest (up to 4 weeks plus).
My annums were really fast and my bhuts were in between.
I did not have a heat pad but sure will for next season!
In the aerogarden I just got some Bhut to sprout.
7 days, no presoak.
Several others just starting to crack the shell, including a Butch T. but I don't count them until I see green.

Of course, it's a very intensive sprouting process, High temps (80+) constant moisture, and 24 hr light.
Brain strains out of a fresh pod were the fastest at about 3 days. Butch T's (dried) started at 4 days. Bhuts started at a week. Douglah took over 2 weeks.
I do 3 seeds at a time, fastest to 100% for me were scotch bonnets, haven't seen anything from the bolivian rainbows yet, both were presoaked, put in the same starting mix and have been in the same location.... The bonnets started sprouting within a week, it's been about a month. My butch t's haven't reached 100% but they started sprouting soon after the bonnets....
Mine all generally germinate between 3 days and 2 weeks. Ones that take longer are usually older or poorer quality
3 years in a row Goat's Weed has sprouted fastest for me. Some have germinated in less than 24 hours with hooks in 3 days. The longest for me was C. Lanceolatum which took more than 3 months.
All 3 of my trinidad scorp seeds germinated within 4 days. I have jalapeno, 7 pods, bhuts, etc, all trying but no taproots yet. They are being germinated with papertowel/cup method.
Peruvian white habs took a while to sprout and even longer for the seedlings to gets their 1st then 2nd set of real leaves.

Aji Panca taken from dried pods take a while to sprout, and with a low success rate to boot.

Quickest were fresh super shepherd annum seeds.
I agree on goat's weed being fast.

Malagueta so far seems to be fast as well (6-7 days).

My Sonoran Tepins were 5/5 up between 8-11 days as well, which I didn't expect.
I've got some 15th generation cayenne seeds that germinated in 3 days

the seeds were from a friend that has had them for 15 generations. They just happened to germinate very quickly. (i was surprised)
well he/his dad have been growing the same ones for 15 seasons starting with only one seed. that's what i meant. these are from that plant
Yea the y7p seeds megahot sent me germed in 6 days(all 4 for 100%). Guess I still have a awhile for the butch t though