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White Bhut Jolokia

These pics are of the tall plants that I grew inside for most of the summer and finally placed outside on my deck. These are photos of a couple of pods on the Bhut Jolokia plant. The seeds came directly from CPI at NMSU.

The first pic you can see they turn white different than most peppers ripen, from the top down. These are totally random.


This one only has the tip left to turn white.


Not every pepper is doing it either. Some have ripened red like a normal Bhut.

These are the whitest peppers I've ever seen. There's been no photoshop or computer trickery used. I ain't that smart. I'm fairly certain of the cause, I wanted to see if anyone else can figure it out.

The peppers are real and this is exactly what they look like. I'm sorry to say there won't be any seeds available.
he wants to make a stable species is my guess before he lets seeds out. same thing with whoever had the evergreen 7pots (cant remember the name atm) he also isent letting seeds out untill he confirms that its a stable species.
Man, I don't think I've ever had a thread get so many replies so fast.

Here's what happened guys with apologies for the tease. Several days ago we had some gusty winds and I found the plant laying on my deck, in fact all five of the plants were on the deck. It was almost 100F out and the sun was brutal. When I went out to pick the plant up the wood floor of my deck was burning the bottom of my feet. I had socks on too. I'm talking hot. A couple of days ago I step out on the deck and lo and behold I have white pods. Not only on the Bhut Jolokia but on a yellow 7 Pod too. Hey now, I have some miracle going on aka Burning Colon's comments.What I'm thinking is the pods were actually cooked while they were lying on the deck. It didn't take long for the white to turn gray and then the skin into mush.

Again, sorry for the tease everyone. That's why I said no seeds available, didn't want folks getting their hopes up. Got to admit it did generate a little excitement didn't it. ;)

You the man Millman!
Pretty cool patrick, albino bhuts. I wonder if when they turn ripe if just the green tip turns red rest stays white? Thought I've seen it all till now. Casper Boooooo-t. :lol:
sunBURN? or what? From the opening comment there's some common thing happening to make the pods turn white. IDK what it might be...I'm a NOOB grower.
Here's a shot of the Yellow 7 Pod that was lying next to the Bhut. See the leaves just to the right? They were burnt crispy.
