White Ghost turning Red!!

I have a ghost pepper where the pods start out green then they turn white for awhile before finally turning red. My question is, do white ghost turn red when fully ripened?


Wow thats pretty cool!! I've grown several different Red Bhuts from different sources, I've yet to see one ever go from Green to White to Red. Have you tasted any yet, does it have the flavor and heat of a Bhut?  Was this supposed to be a red bhut starting out?
I believe pepperlover white bhut descriptions says something about their white bhuts dont turn red "like other white bhuts" so im guessing these would be the "other"
TexasHotPeppers said:
Wow thats pretty cool!! I've grown several different Red Bhuts from different sources, I've yet to see one ever go from Green to White to Red. Have you tasted any yet, does it have the flavor and heat of a Bhut?  Was this supposed to be a red bhut starting out?
The seeds for this plant was labeled as Butch T.  Three other plants that I planted from that same packet were true Butch T's.  But this plant is clearly a bhut.  My bhuts that are labeled red, never turn white.
cruzzfish said:
I think white bhuts do turn red.
So is it ripe at white and more ripe at red?  Are seeds not good until they turn red?  It looks strange having white bhut seeds that have little bits of red pulp in the mix.
My white bhuts stay white that and they don't look like a standard bhut. You probably have a accidental cross. My guess butch T x bhut but no way to ever know for sure. 

White bhut for reference 
Habanero Fellow said:
The seeds for this plant was labeled as Butch T.  Three other plants that I planted from that same packet were true Butch T's.  But this plant is clearly a bhut.  My bhuts that are labeled red, never turn white.

So is it ripe at white and more ripe at red?  Are seeds not good until they turn red?  It looks strange having white bhut seeds that have little bits of red pulp in the mix.
D3monic said:
My white bhuts stay white that and they don't look like a standard bhut. You probably have a accidental cross. My guess butch T x bhut but no way to ever know for sure. 
White bhut for reference 
What I can recall, they get more ripe at red, and there are more than one kind of white bhut.
Nowadays finding a landrace bhut seems harder and harder... Most of the colored "bhuts" i see look nothing like real ones...
White bhuts, yellow nagas... seem clearly hybrids in a marketing plot than real varieties or "natural mutations" IMHO
The only authentic bhuts/nagas are red and chocolate, possibly a real deal yellow bhut exists but is hard to find (wrinkled and bumpy not smooth as i often see).
Nice pods btw HF, just not bhuts.
D3monic said:
My white bhuts stay white that and they don't look like a standard bhut. You probably have a accidental cross. My guess butch T x bhut but no way to ever know for sure. 
White bhut for reference 
That's a really cool looking pod on the right there. 
My white bhuts last year, all 3 plants looked just like D3's. They never went beyond white and when left on plant long enough the stem would degrade and pod would drop still white or whitish yellow never anything close to red.
Datil said:
Nowadays finding a landrace bhut seems harder and harder... Most of the colored "bhuts" i see look nothing like real ones...
White bhuts, yellow nagas... seem clearly hybrids in a marketing plot than real varieties or "natural mutations" IMHO
The only authentic bhuts/nagas are red and chocolate, possibly a real deal yellow bhut exists but is hard to find (wrinkled and bumpy not smooth as i often see).
Nice pods btw HF, just not bhuts.
I couldn't agree with you more. I had white bhut last year, this year have orange and yellow bhuts. They were/are all smooth, thick walled and pretty mild and don't taste anything like a bhut. Wish they wouldn't call them that. Only thing they have in common is they are elongated. I do have a Caramel bhut that looks like the real deal. Wicked Mike has some peach bhuts that while shaped quite a bit different from a typical bhut are crazy hot and good, much better than the standard bhut in every way for me.
D3monic said:
My white bhuts stay white that and they don't look like a standard bhut. You probably have a accidental cross. My guess butch T x bhut but no way to ever know for sure. 
White bhut for reference 
They look more like a naga to me.  Although the shape of my Purple Naga and Purple Ghost a couple of years ago were quite similar.
Datil said:
White bhuts, yellow nagas... seem clearly hybrids in a marketing plot than real varieties or "natural mutations" IMHO
I agree other than I would not use the term 'marketing plot' because it sounds like the breeder is doing something under handed.  People who cross existing peppers to create new ones amaze me.  I try (and try and try) but never come up with anything I think is all that cool. 

On natural mutations, I think a lot of what folk think are mutations are just recessive genes popping up.  Most of the crosses haven't been around all that long, even the so called stable ones.  If we bred and sold dogs this way, I would imagine a beagle giving birth to the occasional wolf.  Damn it all, now I want a beagle wolf.  Can you imagine what that would sound like on the night of a full moon?