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White Habs

I grow lots of varieties of peppers. For some reason, I always have issues with White Habaneros. They come up then the stem shrinks at the soil line. This is my second year growing them and out of 100+ plants, all planted together, no other plants have this issue.

My recovery is to nurse them and they eventually strengthen up then i transplant them burying the stem issue below the soil line.

Does anyone else grow White Habaneros and/or experience these issues with them?

yes, this year i have burned through a number of white habs, with low to no germination - all other hotties had no problems.
i did get 1 seed to germinate in rockwool, then it just shriveled and died. currently, i just leave the soiled seeds in my germination chamber, just in case they have one of those long germination cycles.

good luck.
I think it might depend on where you get your seeds from. The first round last year did horribly but this year I grew a few really nice plants that are producing like crazy. Mine are the bullet habaneros - @ SuperHot, do you know where I can purchase giant white habanero seeds?
I think maybe it's hard tell when they're fully ripe and that seed sellers might sometimes take seeds from pods that aren't quite ripe enough. That's just a guess though. I can't think of any other reason they would be so hit and miss. I tried about 20 seeds from two sources last year and could't get a single plant from them. I started over 50 varieties and white habaneros were the only failure. The few that germinated were scraggly and died within a week. This year I tried two more sources and got normal germination and they've been some of my best growers.
I'm not sure where I got these, but I usually get my seeds from one of two sources:

1st - PepperJoe.com
2nd - Cross Country Nurseries (http://www.chileplants.com/)

I also started Tepin's and Butch T Trinidad Scorpions. 20 pots w 3 seeds each. The only thing to come up was 3 Butch T's. 3 out of 20 argggg....
I think maybe it's hard tell when they're fully ripe and that seed sellers might sometimes take seeds from pods that aren't quite ripe enough. That's just a guess though. I can't think of any other reason they would be so hit and miss. I tried about 20 seeds from two sources last year and could't get a single plant from them. I started over 50 varieties and white habaneros were the only failure. The few that germinated were scraggly and died within a week. This year I tried two more sources and got normal germination and they've been some of my best growers.

I second that idea... I've never had any issues, but I grow from my own seed and I make sure I leave them on the plant long enough that I can tell that they are obviously ripe. If I'm just picking them to eat, I'll often find bits of green still on the pods. In the afternoon sun it can be hard to tell.
I think it might depend on where you get your seeds from. The first round last year did horribly but this year I grew a few really nice plants that are producing like crazy. Mine are the bullet habaneros - @ SuperHot, do you know where I can purchase giant white habanero seeds?

I'm pretty sure I got mine from JungleRain. I do so many trades throughout the season it's hard to remember them all.
not to get off topic here but what do you guys think of the white hab flavor? i've grown many kinds of habs but never tasted the whites
Never grown them before but for what it's worth the seeds I took from some fresh peruvian white habanero pods last year all sprouted fine but out of all my seedlings they now look the frailest and I'm not too optimistic about the prospect of eating fresh ones from the garden this year. Not sure what the problem is but they all look pale, weak, and doomed.

I always overplant in anticipation of massive attrition rates but in the case of my white habs I wasn't anticipating 100% death rate lol.
I bought my seeds from Vincent at rooftop peppers and decided to plant 2 just to see if they were any good. Both popped and are growing nicely.
In general,I have more problems with bud set than germination or keeping the little suckers alive.
I get nice plants but 1 out of 10 buds at most grow a pod.
I either get a plant with only a few pods or the plant goes crazy and has so many pods you can't see leaves.No
in between for some reason.
I have seeds from a generic White hab from the nursery that seem to do better than other white habs so far.
They germinate well and seem to have the same tendancy towards putting out the pods - as far as the seeds I've re grown so far.
My photo bucket pics are screwed up for some reason after my last update and I can't post or down load pics right now but there are several pics of the white hab I'm talking about that come up if googled.
The pics are on my bed,like most of my pics are...
I Googled White habanero pics by Smokemaster.

[sup]I've had the same happen with some of my white habs as well. Some of them I was able to nurse back to health with shade and water, others weren't so lucky. Then again, I decided to harden them off "naturally" instead of babying them. This process wasn't kind to some of them, but the ones that survived are thriving. Matter of fact, my white habs (about a dozen) are the strongest and largest of all of the peppers I planted this March. [/sup]
I didn't have a problem at all growing White Hab's. I actually had to many White Habs last year with 3 of 3 plants producing an un-godly amount of peppers. They grew so well that I had 2 plants in 1 pot and they still flourished. As for the taste, it was VERY pungent in flavor with a nice twist of smokeyness to it. I tell this too, it looks like a jellybean and has the heat of a standard orange hab. It's the hottest jellybean I have ever had!!! Sorry I can't assist with growing issue, but I would try a different source for seeds. Shouldn't be that difficult to grow em! GL and good growing!!!