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White Peppers

The white manzano plant(last seed) is F2.

One plant,F2 grew white pods that were whiter than pictured.

I had a BIG mite problem a couple seasons ago and trusted some one to grow out the F2 that put out the whiter pods in a different location.

He ate the pods and tossed the seeds,then killed the plant.
I got screwed...
May have lost the only True seeds I had that grew ALL white pods.Not Yellow White.

The last hope is in my kitchen right now...
The pics of the pods that grew from the plant I trusted to someone else grew T Shirt white pods.Not even a tint of yellow in them.

All I can figure is I must have done somebody wrong - bad Karma was repaid in full or?

Felt like I was tied to the whipping post:

Couldn't resist. LOL
Long story,I hate tossing plants after I'm done with them.

I've given the guy EASILY hundreds of plants each season through the years.

Boils down to he kissed my butt for years,told me what I wanted to hear to keep the plants coming.

Offered me seeds for stuff I gave him knowing he had my overwinters,didn't want seeds or pods back for my SASBE collection.

Once I gave him something I REALLY wanted him to take care of (told him it was RARE AND the only reason I was giving it to him was to save the gene pool from mites) he decided,screw me...

I was growing 800 varieties back then a year in summer and during the winter-we have no winter here.
Gave him 80 plants a haul-that was a couple pick up loads.

Now I cut whatever other people don't want up and toss them in the dumpster rather than give him a single plant.

HE KNEW what that plant meant to me.

Gave me reports before he killed it about it being 4 ft tall etc,BUT said it didn't pod up at the time.

AFTER he ate the pods etc.
I found out from others he was showing off the white pods,then later showed me months old pics of white pods on the plant.

Probably to piss me off more since I decided not to give him anymore of my extra plants or the stuff from the last year.

People are idiots at times...

Maybe my LAST plant will grow glow in the dark PURE WHITE pods or something. LOL
We'll see.

I found about 6 white to yellow white pods one year.Only 1 grew white pods but only had a few seeds per pod-see pic,not all sprouted.Look black in the pic but a lot weren't ripe.
May the chili gods bless you with a pure white pod lol and was this a cross or a random appearance in genetics? Wow that is awful he could have easily destroyed this strain
C.Pubescens don't cross with much of anything else.

I think it was a genetic thing.
Can't think of anything white that could have been crossed with the manzano...

Any other white Pube was really light yellow that I've ever seen before.
Most of the varieties mentioned are not really white..they all tend to get yellow or pale yellow when grown under full sun.
I have one variety I called snow white that stays white until fully ripe:

Hi I purchased this seeds from your site about 2 years ago and this are pic of my plant/pods https://plus.google....267344489497713