Pit Bulls are not good guard dogs. They do look intimidating though and people think they are mean because they don't know the breed.
9mm or 40S&W?
While the lady bugs and granddaddy long-legs manage the little pests, our beautiful animals keep an eye out for pepper thieving rabbits and squirrels.
My wife has make a big pussy out of this one because of that.
He's an American Staffordshire Terrier, and he really will keep people out of the yard. They are not naturally guard and attack dogs but I have known some that will tear you a new asshole right now.
both of mine will do it at the same time to get attention firstAgreed. My Tasha puts on a show if you come around and she looks intimidating but bend down and pet her and she will roll on her back for belly rubs.
@ Txclosetgrower.... WOW! They say they are very poisonous but can not penetrate our skin. I've never seen that many long legs in one spot.
Man talk about grandaddy long-legs, we had an incredible amount of them in our community garden at work last year. Every single hole in the cinderblocks was just filled to the brim.