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Who Like's Horses?

This is my friend I like to visit as often as I can, I got some ingredients to bake her some horse cookies. She ate a whole bowl of watermelon and carrots today. She has her horse blanket on, because the temperatures are dropping. I went into the thrift store today and saw a nice liner for her blanket, but they would not haggle on the price.


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Cant stand the wife's horse. Jake is a total ass. My horse Kong died a couple years ago due to a water moccasin bite. He was a gentle giant. But Jake is definitely last horse even after building 2 stalls and a tact room off of our barn. Nothing but a huge pain in the ass pasture pet. Fuck a horse
Early 70's
Folks bought the farm.
Rio Grande Valley.
Just outside of La Feria.
Amigo was part of the deal.
1/2 Arabian.
1/2 Quarter.
My job was to take care of him.
One morning he didn't show up for the grain bucket.
Which he never missed.
I went looking for him.
He'd gotten stuck in the mud.
In december.
In the Arroyo Colorado.
Which ran through our property.
I had to go get my dear sweet ma to help me.
We got him out.
He was shivering cold.
And got a horse blankey.
And an extry bucket of oats.
Sometimes I got stepped on.
And nipped.
He was my best friend.
Along with....
A holstein/black angus cow.
She was a lover.
Some of the best years of my life.
sicman said:
Cant stand the wife's horse. Jake is a total ass. My horse Kong died a couple years ago due to a water moccasin bite. He was a gentle giant. But Jake is definitely last horse even after building 2 stalls and a tact room off of our barn. Nothing but a huge pain in the ass pasture pet. f**k a horse
You sir.
Are a liar.
Jake may be an ass.
But I'll wager.
He's bettern' than most people.
You've ever known.
One time a mean ass little Shetland.
Got away.
This little bastard.
Decided to shack up with us.
And we took him in.
He kicked the horses.
Kicked the cows.
Kicked me.
When he wasn't kicking somebody.
He was mr. bitey.
A real shitass.
And then.
An ephemeral moment of tenderness happens.
He licks your face.
Leans and presses his forehead against your chest.
While you scratch behind his ears.
But for the most part.
He was an asshole.
After almost one year.
We found the owner.
He came and took him home.
I cried like a baby.
And so will you.
Anchorage Alaska.
We lived up on the hillside.
Across the street.
An old guy I never met.
A neighbor.
Had a quarter horse.
Kept him in a small shed.
In a small back yard.
But with a horse blankey to keep him warm.
In winter.
I'd open my front door.
And that horse would buck.
And run to the fence.
And apples.
We were best friends.
I never knew his name.