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Who says small plants dont produce?

I have two examples to prove that wrong!

Heres the first example, this is a Caribbean Red cutting I made in April, the cutting was about an inch long when it started.

Today, it has over 30 pods on it and it's no taller than a foot, the stem no thicker than a pencil, and about two feet wide and it's in a rather small plastic pot.

I used Miracle Grow potting soil, no other soil additives. Fed with Tomato Food, Dolomite and Bloom Booster.






And heres a "West Indies Habanero" seedling, about a foot tall and only just recently started forking. I decided not to pinch these types, since I have not grown them before and I wanted fruit as soon as possible.

Well, I got some!


Very cool, I'm with you with wanting the peppers soon from previous ungrown varieties. Mine are also rather small but producting like mad. Thats a hell of a lot of peppers...
Were they grow indoors all the time under lights?
Nilsen said:
Very cool, I'm with you with wanting the peppers soon from previous ungrown varieties. Mine are also rather small but producting like mad. Thats a hell of a lot of peppers...
Were they grow indoors all the time under lights?

The Caribbean Red was grown under CFL lights indoors and fruit indoors, and the West Indies plants were all raised indoors under CFL lights, to the point where they started to fork and then moved outdoors where they fruit outdoors.

The West Indies Habanero pods can get really big, I have a few pods almost the size of a tennis ball! When they ripen I'll post images of them next to a ruler and other things for scale.
nice...but a few qustions....how did you get it so small? is that basically a clone? ad also may i see some of your grow setup...mainly the lights. andman..nice job:onfire:
codykrr said:
nice...but a few qustions....how did you get it so small? is that basically a clone? ad also may i see some of your grow setup...mainly the lights. andman..nice job:onfire:

The first one, the Caribbean Red is a clone yes, and I didnt do anything to make it small...

When I first made it, I figured it would be a long while before I got fruit from it, perhaps near october or november if I was lucky.

These plants take a while to grow and that one is about the right size for a cutting started in april and loaded with fruit, the only suprise was how well it was able to load up like it did.

And heres a few videos of my grow room -->

And heres a picture I took recently...

RichardK said:
The first one, the Caribbean Red is a clone yes, and I didnt do anything to make it small...

When I first made it, I figured it would be a long while before I got fruit from it, perhaps near october or november if I was lucky.

These plants take a while to grow and that one is about the right size for a cutting started in april and loaded with fruit, the only suprise was how well it was able to load up like it did.

And heres a few videos of my grow room -->

And heres a picture I took recently...


That is absolutely the funkiest set up I have ever seen. You've obviously put alot of work into it.
What on average is your total yield per plant?

Salute', TB.
texas blues said:
That is absolutely the funkiest set up I have ever seen. You've obviously put alot of work into it.
What on average is your total yield per plant?

Salute', TB.

The pods grow and ripen very fast indoors (Twice as fast as outdoors) which might be temperature related but I get about 30-40 per plant indoors, more outdoors due to the high temperature from the lights and only artificial wind from several fans.

If it wasnt for the aphids, I'd move them back and forth like last year but the ones outside have a few green aphids on them. I know if I bring them inside they will infest the whole grow room and breed out of control.
Very cool setup, and it seems they're not even cramped and still produce well although they are so close... Are there also globes halfway down inbetween the plants?
It's very encouraging to see pods produced purely indoors especially under CFL's, I like them :)
Nilsen said:
Very cool setup, and it seems they're not even cramped and still produce well although they are so close... Are there also globes halfway down inbetween the plants?
It's very encouraging to see pods produced purely indoors especially under CFL's, I like them :)

Yeah I have three "danglers" which are two 23 Watt 2700K CFLs on a 'Y' shaped adapter. These give illumination below the canopy since CFLs are not very bright in the first place.

The main "panels" are 6 - 26 Watt CFLs an even mixture of 2700K and 6500K for a total of 18 above lights (3 panels) and 6 below canopy lights (3 danglers).

The whole setup uses about 620 Watts fans included with the lights on a 14 hour timer (minus fans, they are on 24/7).
RichardK said:
The pods grow and ripen very fast indoors (Twice as fast as outdoors) which might be temperature related but I get about 30-40 per plant indoors, more outdoors due to the high temperature from the lights and only artificial wind from several fans.

If it wasnt for the aphids, I'd move them back and forth like last year but the ones outside have a few green aphids on them. I know if I bring them inside they will infest the whole grow room and breed out of control.

That's a pretty good yield for indoors I'd say. My best outdoor orange hab which is a little over 3 foot tall only has about 50 pods on it. Fortunately I don't have aphid problems. I have several assasin bugs roaming amongst the 14 hab plants and on occasion a couple green mantis that come and go.

Salute', TB.
Wow. I need to get some tomato food. I can't believe those plants are indoor. Well, at least it gives me hope for some of my plants.
RichardK, Isnt that a awful lot of wattage-cost being spent that could be used be more cost-effective? One 250W + a small fan would be cheaper, and the initial cost would be earned pretty quick (you can use the setup several years...)