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Who wants to play...

... Create a fruit?

No, I have not drank a case of beer. What happened is I picked a few peppers that have ripened to dehydrate. I think they are Chinese 5-Color but not sure, not that this is important. I used a knife to slice them in half so they would cook quicker and left the knife laying on the counter. Linda picked it up to slice a tomato and insisted I try this tomato - it had some heat to it! I tasted it and though the heat was minimal, even for me, I could taste it. At first, I thought perhaps it was a tom from a volunteer plant that somehow had crossed with a pepper from last year's garden. But as I kept slicing pieces, it became apparent that the heat was due to artifacts left from slicing the peppers.

BUT ... it made me wonder. What kind of fruits can I cross and use the seeds to create a new fruit? I have a Better Boy tom and Limon (as well as a Bhut and Trini Scorpion) growing upstairs, where I don't have to worry about the birds and the bees pollinating them.

Which made me wonder, what if I can get blooms from both the limon and BB ready at the same time and cross them? Could I save the seeds and grow a tom with a lemon taste, or a pepper that looks like a tomato?

So, what plants, pepper, tom, egg, cuke or anything else, would cross with what?

That is like saying let's cross different animals like a cow and a fish to make a cowfish. It ain't gonna happen. If you like tomatoes and peppers together make some salsa.

Well, it's true one in going to have a hard time crossing a cow and fish, but that's because they live in two different environments. Toms, eggs, peppers, beans, etc., all have very similar characteristics and grow the same way.

I don't mind being taught a new lesson - us nearly senior citizens embrace it, but exactly why cannot a tom and pepper, or tom and egg be crossed? Are you saying it's impossible for a fruit of an eggplant to inherit some traits from a pepper plant?

wordwiz said:

but exactly why cannot a tom and pepper, or tom and egg be crossed?

The same reason a man and an ape cannot reproduce. Sure they look alike, grow alike, and share a lot of common traits, BUT they just don't cross.
Tomatoes flowers cannot polinate pepper flowers, only pepper flowers polinate pepper flowers. Someone with some biology backgroung can explain much better.
Peppers will not cross with anything but peppers. This is known because people have tried it. Not all types of pepper will even cross. C. pubescens will not cross with annums or chinense. When two parents are genetically dissimilar enough they may have trouble hybridizing. But usually what is even more important than that is that when the two parent have different numbers of chromosomes they tend to be very poor at crossing even if they are very close genetically. That is probably the case with tomatoes and peppers. The chromosome problem is why humans and chimps can't mate other than it being really gross. Another problem can be that the male sperm/pollen does not have the right protein on the outside to enter the egg.
No pepper tomato do not cross..But as for there being something not dissimilar between the to a plant from the amazon which is a mixed up tom/pepper has been found..but is POISONOUS..Damn shame :)
One of these days, somebody has to breed the poision out of the other wonderfull nightshade varities.

I'd like to be able to grow Potatoes and eat the fruit that grows on top too, who knows what they might taste like if the solanine was bred out?

If we can turn a bush with small berries into the peppers we see today, then it's not impossible to breed out toxins from the many poisonous plants out there.

Imagine the spectrum of new fruits and vegetables that nobody has ever had before :)
You can't even breed certain pepper varieties under normal methods but they've done lots of genetic manipulation in labs. Someone actually made some tomacco plants after seeing the Simpson's episode:lol: I believe you may be able to graft a pepper onto a tomato, that would be cool;)
so if the graft took, what would you get?...regular peppers growing on a tomato plant?....the genetics don't pass to the graft from the parent do they?
No genetics are passed. You could even have dozens of different pepper varieties all grafted onto one plant. Someday I want to try this!
that would be a trip seeing all different type peppers growing off one main stalk....
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
That is like saying let's cross different animals like a cow and a fish to make a cowfish. It ain't gonna happen. If you like tomatoes and peppers together make some salsa.

:shocked: Aquatic Cows :shocked:

: runs and gets spear gun, camera, scuba gear :
RichardK said:
One of these days, somebody has to breed the poision out of the other wonderfull nightshade varities.

I'd like to be able to grow Potatoes and eat the fruit that grows on top too, who knows what they might taste like if the solanine was bred out?

If we can turn a bush with small berries into the peppers we see today, then it's not impossible to breed out toxins from the many poisonous plants out there.

Imagine the spectrum of new fruits and vegetables that nobody has ever had before :)

That definitely can be done if you have enough time and space plus the equipment to test for the toxin.