sharre-a-recipe Whole Steamed Fish recipe

So, I'm remembering a past summer I spent in Beijing and now I'm in full desire for a whole steamed fish meal.

Anyone have a spicy recipe to share? For instant gratification, I'm thinking about following a basic recipe on-line with the addition of Habanero powder.

Are there specific fish that work best being steamed whole? The fish I was served in Beijing was normally black however, in many pictures on the web a red snapper is being used.

Hmm, the more I think about Beijing the more meals I ate there I am remembering. Damn, I need to do a hot pot night. Gotta find a place that sells fish balls and rice buns!
Here's my 1st attempt
Look up Snapper Escovich Recipes. Can be done whole fish or with fillets. Uses habaneros and onions and vinegar on whole fried fish. So good!!!
Was it gutted and scaled? The tail area looks shimmery. Just wondering, since this is your first attempt. You can't just cook a whole fish as is.
Was it gutted and scaled? The tail area looks shimmery. Just wondering, since this is your first attempt. You can't just cook a whole fish as is.

Yeah It was scaled, gutted and de-finned at the Chinese Market. Gimme a little bit of credit.

I cleaned it a bit more. Rubbed the inside and outside with salt and my Habanero powder. Filled the inside with ginger slices and green onions and steamed for 10 minutes. Removed the excess fluid and ginger/onions. Put fresh green onions and cilantro on it and steamed a bit more to wilt them. Heated up peanut oil added soy sauce used corn starch and water to thicken the mix and poured it over the fish when ready to be served. I also fried some green onions and ginger with some more peanut oil and then added some soy sauce to that and reduced. Once they were a bit crunchy I topped the fish with them. Done.

Meal took about 15 minutes from start to finish. Hardest part was finding a place to park by the market.
I agree with Paulky - looks really awesome! I've never cooked or plated a whole fish, but here's a suggestion: put the fish on top of the serving of greens, then lay a few pieces of slivered pepper on top of the fish.
It may not work in your jurisdiction but this show:
has a really good version of this dish at 10 minutes in.
traditionally, it's served with scallions and ginger...

Fish is steamed with some cooking wine poured on it along with some ginger to cut out the fishiness smell. I believe hot oil is heated and then poured onto the fish, along with the scallions and ginger.
traditionally, it's served with scallions and ginger...

Fish is steamed with some cooking wine poured on it along with some ginger to cut out the fishiness smell. I believe hot oil is heated and then poured onto the fish, along with the scallions and ginger.
Fresh fish has no fishy smell. Ever eat sushi? Fishy smell = turning bad.
If its to the point that the fish is smelling "fishy" I toss it. Soaking in milk won't save it.
The milk is not for the smell. if the fish is bad, it's bad... some fish though have a "fishy" taste to them, even right out of the water. certain types of white fish for example. well milk helps.
I did this once with a whole Salmon but could be done with others I'm sure.

Take a large piece of heavy duty foil and place fish in center of one half. Pour Olive Oil over the fish outside and in. Inside the fish place Lemon slices, Sweet Onion, I used some Orange Habaneros I had but other' could be used too.
close up foil making sure it is sealed up well. Place in the top rack towards the center of yur dishwasher and run it on the longest and hotest cycle. Fish will come out perfect.

Note: Some people like to multi-task so if your going to wash dishes at the same time use extra foil to wrap the fish a second time so there is no soap leakage but I really never would do both at the same time myself. :crazy:

I understand fresh fish shouldn't have a fishy smell. I'm just saying the Chinese use cooking wine and Ginger, which were historically used to mask any fishiness and add some flavor. I've used super fresh fish and forgot the wine and it wasn't as good. Rarely do they use milk and lemon on their fish and certainly not this dish. Holla!
I eat fish once to three times a week, steamed, baked, grilled, and fried. I only eat fish I catch, clean and prepare. This consist of blue catfish, channel catfish, flathead catfish, red drum, crappie, and tilapia. If your fish smells fishy it's not good, if it taste fishy what do you expect fish to taste like. Fresh fish can be stored in the refrigerator for three days or more so long as its kept covered with water. Take it out dry it off and prepare. Many trick are used to disguise the fish taste, mustard, spicy Italian dressing, milk, lime juice, onion, garlic, ginger, horseradish, and best of all fresh hot pepper.