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who's got the peroxide

Where can i find the 35% food grade Hydrogen Peroxide I have looked at beauty salon supply stores, pool spa supply stores (they carry a 27.5 %) but I cannot find the 35% stuff can this stuff be bought lacally or does it have to be shipped as a hazardous material. from my searches on other forums it sounds like this stuff is readily available, why can I not find it? :(

regular peroxide is like 3% or 5% Cheezy -- Are you using it in your water TPP? I would think the regular stuff would work as well.
Food grade just means it doesn't contain impurities, heavy metals, or other chemicals used to process it. It is way too strong to drink. 35% must be diluted for almost any use.
ABurningMouth said:
Food grade just means it doesn't contain impurities, heavy metals, or other chemicals used to process it. It is way too strong to drink. 35% must be diluted for almost any use.

Yes, you are correct I am just looking for the most cost savings I think it will go farther than the 3%. If i only had a small amount of plants it would be no big deal to use the 3% but I am using it with every watering and I am watering just under 500 plants. Cannot find it locally anyway so I will have to go to the dollar store and get the 3% by the case.

I personally don't think the risk of using 35% is worth the savings. That's scary a splash in the eye could blind you! Just my opinion though.

Why are you using it with every watering? How much?
