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Why aren't Dorset Naga Doritos a thing?

Seriously though?

Has anyone ever dusted tortilla chips with a special homemade blend or something like that to achieve such a vision? If so, I salute you. Within a few months there will be a follow up to this post, mark my words.
Jeff H said:
Yes it does, but if you put the powder on when the popcorn is still hot and steaming, everyone dies of coughing fits. <true story>
That's why you butter the popcorn to aid in adhesion.
Rymerpt said:
I dust everything. I often have to eat with gloves on. Try powder in fudge. AWESOME!!!!!!
Butterscotch and reaper fudge is a delicious combination but salted caramel and scotch bonnet is even tastier. You can certainly make some wonderful treats this way.
Was planning on making some reaper white chocolate anyway, might have to chuck in some crispies to bulk it out into actual snackfood now.