Why do you eat hot stuff?

I eat it for the serotonin and endorphin rush, it's like a drug, and a HEALTHY one at that.  Capsaicin is a great antioxidant. My parents don't really like my addiction though, because when I eat one it looks like I'm dying, sucking in air and crying, but it really feels good once it's gone. I think it tastes good too.
To maximize your pepper euphoria, eat some almonds before. Almonds have tryptophan and that converts to serotonin, and it makes a big difference!
Liquid_Pooterbear said:
I eat it for the serotonin and endorphin rush, it's like a drug, and a HEALTHY one at that.  Capsaicin is a great antioxidant. My parents don't really like my addiction though, because when I eat one it looks like I'm dying, sucking in air and crying, but it really feels good once it's gone. I think it tastes good too.
To maximize your pepper euphoria, eat some almonds before. Almonds have tryptophan and that converts to serotonin, and it makes a big difference!
What kinds of peppers have you tried?
My parents used to put tabasco on my fingers in an attempt to get me to stop biting my nails when I was little.... I still bite my nails and regularly use sauces much hotter than tabasco now.... I was also told back then that it isn't chili if it doesn't make you sweat.... dad was born in roswell and his parents always made chow chow.... Its genetic for me, I think....
Because everyone else eats them, and it helps you not get sick.

Ever since I started eating jalapeños I hardly get sick, and now with all this new varieties now it's even more fun eating what you grow.

This year is my first year eating anything hotter than a hab and it just gets you hooked. Gain tolerance and enjoy it more.

, Walter
I've been eating peppers for a very long time and sampling the hot vinegar before my first peppers at the time I was Born in Arizona at the Ray Hospital in Ray Arizona which is now under several hundred feet of copper mine tailings. My Dad was just one of the many blasters that worked there, the Ray Mining Company had its own little community of trailers and homes which the company owned. My dad loved eating the little wild chiltepin peppers that he and his friends would drive down south a little ways and would pick the hot little peppers and bring a sack full home to be pickled by my mom.
This was back in the early 50's At the time that he worked there we went from a family of 5 to a family of 7 and all of had some sort of introduction to the vinegar and to the little fiery peppers.
I Have eaten hot peppers every since, now days I have expanded my love for the heat by growing super hots to pickle and make powders and sauces with.
I still grow my wild little friends, although I almost lost them when I was in the hospital and I was moving to another town, i kept my seeds in little bags and small boxes stuffed into my freezer and my refrigerator, my EX was helping me move and didn't understand what all the seeds in the boxes were for, many of which were pretty beat up from all the years of being in the freezer and refrig.
So she looked through it and dumped most of my seeds some of which I have had since  the 60's and 70's  and some that were very rare wild species, that I would grow out every couple of years.
I'm slowly building my supply back up but some things I will never be able to replace as the boxes not only held seeds,
but memories also.
So for me eating hot and spicy food is a way of life and not just for the pain and endorphin rush as they bring back memories of things and places that I have been.
that I get when eating a hot pod or sampling a new sauce or hot powders.
Its in my blood.   My grandmother, God rest her soul, ate hot peppers almost everyday.   She lived to see 84....
and smoked non filters almost everyday.  Thats hardcore baby!
     So gosh dammit there must be sumthin good in those Peps, or the Tobaccy.    
But for reals, I like the BURN  cause It makes me all fuzzy inside.
HI, My name is Ben and I am an addict. I love the pepper because of the awesome pain and the constant craving of trying something hotter than the last. My addiction started when I bought a bottle of regular ole Texas Pete, moved on to Tabasco, Chulula and then my boss brought back something special from south of the border. I then found myself using and abusing more and more of the elusive habanero sauce. I was hooked.
I ate some chocolate habanero with a sandwich last week and actually craved it for several days. :drooling:
I've alway been a fan of jalapeños, I hated my first experience with habaneros about ten years ago. Recently was introduced to super hots and I can't get enough. I want to grow them, eat them, and make other people eat them so I can laugh at their agony!
millworkman said:
Kind of the same, but I dont get the next day burn.  I like the mouth burn.  HATE the lip burn.
same. thats why i dont grow alot of annums, they seem to burn my lips. i like throat and mouth burn.