Ted came onto the site pretty "in your face" hot and heavy. Some people didn't care for that. It's no different than real life. It was like watching someone walk into a party and announce, "I'm Here! Now Let's Get The Party Started!"...as if we weren't having a good time before the guy showed up? When that happens in real life, people are turned off, and the same thing happened to Ted.
He's mellowed since then and moved on. I think he could of found a place to fit in here but things got off on a bad foot. Oh Well. Life moves on. I consider myself a friend of Ted's and we've communicated several times about different things. His style is what it is, and some like it, some don't. He's trying to do more serious videos, not just doing the Jackass style stunts. He's now a reviewer with EatMoreHeat. I hope he does well with the reviews and his reputation/(career?) with hot stuff can evolve. Then we can all say, "I knew him when...."
Very well said SL. I thought Ted was funny in his original vids. I was not a fan of when the fueding around here started, just because it was disruptive to the harmony this place had going. And as SL mentioned, he's a very polarizing guy - people either liked him or hated him without a lot of in between.
He actually just did a nice review of one of my products after reaching out - I agree that it seems like he is trying to do more serious reviews and less "stunt-man/daredevil I can eat 147 bhuts in 5 mins challenge" type stuff. I actually sent the sauce right as he was a-feuding with RedHawk, which was an awkward thing timing-wise since I am friends with RedHawk and didn't want to contribute to the ruckus. Me & Red chatted about it and I ended up sending the sauce.
While Ted's review may not have been on par with some of the more complex reviews I've read/seen,(e.g. he used about 1/2 the bottle on a single slice of pizza) he did talk about the smell, the texture and the flavor (gave it a 5/5 for flavor too) which are details not really found in his earlier stuff.
I think overall Ted's a good dude who got off on a bad foot and rubbed some folks the wrong way. When the ruckus started a lot of folks (both Ted & people here) behaved less than graciously and it sorta devolved from there.
I think this topic title is a bit of a misnomer as Ted isn't necessarily "disliked here" (THP) - sure there might be some individuals who dislike him, but I hardly consider that an official statement that the community as a whole has condemned the guy.
That said, I think this topic does a disservice to everyone as someone might just read the title and not the content and assume things that may not be factual. And likewise, I think Ted could do a better job of letting sh!t go. In the review of my product he mentions how he still likes a lot of folks here (calls out Scovie and a couple others by name) but also mentions how he's not liked at THP, which really isn't doing much for building bridges.
I'm all about harmony though, so if Ted happened to come back with either reviews or stuntman antics vids, I'd be ok with it just because harmony is better than disharmony.