seeds-germination Why organic seed?

There is no such thing as conspiracy within the scientific method. Please look it up so that you understand how science actually works. The entire point of science is to find truth regardless of feelings and beliefs therefore conspiracy is impossible in real science.

You are confusing credible science with pseudoscience, peoples opinions, misinterpretation and misleading reporting and downright abuse of scientific research.

Again, I'm out..
Myxlplyk said:
Hate to tell you, but scientific method is full of conspiracy, whether it be GMOs or global warming. Maybe ozone depletion and freon? Fracking and earthquakes? *gasp* 9-11?

So then I'm challenged, with more unsubstantiated opinion. Hate to tell you, but not everything has evidence handed to you on a silver platter. Sometimes you have to go with what makes sense. Since plants conform to their environment, it's only makes sense that their seeds do as well.
You sound absolutely ridiculous. I really don't think this is the right topic for you.
Jase4224 said:
There is no such thing as conspiracy within the scientific method. Please look it up so that you understand how science actually works. The entire point of science is to find truth regardless of feelings and beliefs therefore conspiracy is impossible in real science.

You are confusing credible science with pseudoscience, peoples opinions, misinterpretation and misleading reporting and downright abuse of scientific research.

Again, I'm out..

I know how science works. I'm talking about people who manipulate science.
solid7 said:
You sound absolutely ridiculous. I really don't think this is the right topic for you.
Why? Because you've deemed as much? Your condescending, holier-than-thou attitude has grown thin around here, in case you haven't noticed. Maybe this forum isn't really for YOU.


Putting others lives at risk by not vaccinating, but I'm the self righteous one... right.

I really think the mods should just close this garbage thread.
Michaelwburke77 said:
Putting others lives at risk by not vaccinating, but I'm the self righteous one... right.

I really think the mods should just close this garbage thread.
If you are part of the "at risk" demographic, then YOU get the vaccinations. People should have the right to have a say in whether they allow their body's natural defenses to attempt to work as they were designed/adapted to do. It doesn't matter if you agree, or not. We can argue all day long about what affects other people - from flu shots to butt wiping. I just take a great deal of satisfaction in knowing that you can't have it your way, and that it must really piss you off. I love defying control freaks :)
(even trying to tell moderators how to control the forum - that's bold)
Jase4224 said:
Whilst I agree with you I don't think this is a great way to discuss the issue with those that wish not to be vaccinated. Listening to people like Solid7, and trying to find common ground I think will be a more effective way to get everybody cooperate and find a solution.

Anyway I feel a bit bad writing all this stuff in the chilli growing forum. I'm out but will follow, it's been a good discussion.
Sometimes stupid just needo to be called out as it is.

It's clear he/she isn't changing their mind anyway.
And you can be defiant as you want, and call me self righteous as much as you want, it doesn't stop you from being wrong.

You're putting other people's lives at risk, and you should feel like a shit head for doing so.
Jase4224 said:
There is no such thing as conspiracy within the scientific method. Please look it up so that you understand how science actually works. The entire point of science is to find truth regardless of feelings and beliefs therefore conspiracy is impossible in real science.

You are confusing credible science with pseudoscience, peoples opinions, misinterpretation and misleading reporting and downright abuse of scientific research.

Again, I'm out..
Immunocompromised people have way more to be concerned about from the things that there is no vaccine for - like the common cold. Not the hepatitis vaccination that affects almost none of us. Or a chicken pox vaccination, which, on anecdotal evidence, appears to have a link to adult shingles outbreaks. (let's research this, please) But you just keep riding that nerve...

It's a little hard to be more sympathetic when I'm expected to be the guardian of everyone else's health, because they refuse to be. When 60% of your population is overweight, and an even higher percent rely on the medical establishment, as their first line of defense. (who is making billions of dollars, hand over fist from the subject matter) Yes, given that, don't you dare try to pollute the unblemished temple, that is my strong, healthy body. I'm all for science, but not to the point that my existence relies on being treated like livestock. Call me all the names you want.  I grew up in a clinic, watching and listening to, the daily workings of doctors and pharmaceutical reps, and have some serious trust issues with the players involved. 
solid7 said:
Haha... Good thread turned to horse shit. Probably sabotaged by Monsanto to keep 911 under wraps. LOL

Yes it was. Congratulations on destroying another one.
Just for your info, the OP didn't ask for scientific evidence; he simply asked a question. I had a feeling when I answered you, that this thread would be turning into a shitstorm, and I was right. This is not the first thread you've mangled due to your disagreement with someone, or your thirst for empirical evidence. However, this is partly my fault too, as I do not back down from internet bullies easily.
Perhaps I was wrong, in that this forum is not for you... perhaps it's the entire internet. Now go, small man, and seek your scientific reasoning yourself. If you want proof, do your own homework!
Gawd dam guys really. If I got dollar every time topic gets derail by something outside the conversation.  I would have enough money to fund my SWEET AND HOT PEPPERS KICKSTARTER
Organic seeds is just a label. Large number of manufacturers just slap it on their products as savvy marketing. 
Humanity has always tamper with life since dawn of time. Animals force to breed for our consumptions in ways for us to make them fatter,  before we could pump them wilth God knows what.
If I recall reading all life DNA is actually connected with each other.  Human DNA is closely related to a lot of other species of animals. WHY! cause we have common ancestors. Same goes for plants and other species of living things.  On a molecular level all things can be interchange to make something new. When you break down matter guess what, at it simple components it can be use to combine to forge other things.  It all gets recycle, it just which method the act is perform people debate over.     Organic and artificial means = same thing in my book.   Your using life to alter life, not like we are taking plastic and pumping  it into the DNA of seed. We using the best of what life has to offer and creating something even better.  So seeds that had been alter to be stronger is just YEARS on top of years sci spent achieving to give you better plant.
FrankenPepper said:
Gawd dam guys really. If I got dollar every time topic gets derail by something outside the conversation.  I would have enough money to fund my SWEET AND HOT PEPPERS KICKSTARTER
Organic seeds is just a label. Large number of manufacturers just slap it on their products as savvy marketing. 
Humanity has always tamper with life since dawn of time. Animals force to breed for our consumptions in ways for us to make them fatter,  before we could pump them wilth God knows what.
If I recall reading all life DNA is actually connected with each other.  Human DNA is closely related to a lot of other species of animals. WHY! cause we have common ancestors. Same goes for plants and other species of living things.  On a molecular level all things can be interchange to make something new. When you break down matter guess what, at it simple components it can be use to combine to forge other things.  It all gets recycle, it just which method the act is perform people debate over.     Organic and artificial means = same thing in my book.   Your using life to alter life, not like we are taking plastic and pumping  it into the DNA of seed. We using the best of what life has to offer and creating something even better.  So seeds that had been alter to be stronger is just YEARS on top of years sci spent achieving to give you better plant.
Certified Organic is more than "just a label;" there are strict rules behind it, and these mean a lot to some ppl.  Obviously, it doesn't mean the same for everyone.  Similarly, the GMO discussion is far more nuanced than what you've presented.  It is true that humankind has been messing with DNA and genetics for centuries, through line-breeding and hybridization.  Surely, though, you can see a distinction between cross-pollinating 2 species of pepper in the field, and manipulating DNA in a petri dish to mix the dNA of bacteria with the DNA of a plant.  That distinction may not seem important to you, but it is important to some ppl and, in either case, the distinction is real.
As for the larger topic about the scientific method and whatnot, it's a shame that the thread devolved this way, but there is some truth to the notion that there is pure science, and then there is the way that folks discuss science and invoke the concept of science to bolster their arguments. A lot of folks will try to appeal to "science" to score points, oftentimes without any actual science to back up their claims.  