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solid7 said:
I'm anti-vaccination for me. Because I've got great genetics, and I pursue a healthy lifestyle. I understand the need for vaccinations, when we, as societies, don't practice the importance of good health, and it becomes necessary to prevent epidemics from occurring. However, I believe strongly (from a scientific viewpoint) that we are heavily over-reliant on modern medicine, and often favor it over what nature provides for us, sufficiently. If we wanted to be ultra-scientific, it could be argued that relying on natural health and defense mechanisms, helps natural selection work properly, and keeps our population in check. Not a popular position, I get it. So I have my choice not to get vaccinated. I respect your choice, as long as you leave mine alone. If it isn't broken, I don't try to fix it. And like I said, there isn't any vaccine that I'm seeing that prevents something that isn't treatable. (with the possible exception of polio - I'll take my chances)

I do appreciate your comments, and most of the time, I really just being cheeky. Everyone takes it differently, but I'm always the same me.
I know I'm going waaaaaaay off topic here but............REALLY!  Farkin hell - come down to the Third World bud - you'll lose that Hippy BS attitude very fast.  Kids dying from the most basic illnesses.
Man I wish I grand old ivory tower like you do.
I don't live in the third world. I live in a place where most of the population takes their health for granted, every single day, to a level that would make a guy with your exposure, reach levels of contempt, bordering on hatred.

When people ignore their illnesses, and pack into planes, trains, buses, churches, offices, etc, with no regard for anyone around them. Smokers, who activate illnesses, by freshly destroying their immune system daily. (not to mention discharging their germs on solid particles, that they've dragged up from the mucousy dungeons of their bodies) And all they while, not giving two shits what they put into their mouths -by choice, not survival - that will sooner, not later, have an effect upon their health, and of those around them.  Unsafe sex would just the tip of the iceberg.  All of these things, despite having been taught from the earliest age.
Yes, I'm a little apathetic. 
you are basically free riding on the heard immunity.

you are absolutly delusional if you think your glowing good health is protecting you from the fucking measles. absolutely delusional.
So be it. Maybe when I get it, I'll take it to work, and share it like the pricks who won't take a sick day to save their life. That is what really kills people in this day and age - but if you want to lambast me over the measles, you go for it, bro. We have morons using their own bodies as Petri dishes for influenza, and that's one thing a vaccination will likely never change.