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Why waste capsaicin?

The Hott Dude

New Registrant
If you evacuate and feel the ring sting, this means that the valuable capsaicin is being released, is there any way to recycle this into a product? I hate to flush such valuable product. With technology today we are able to filter. Please info?
If it has been waste then recycle no? The chemical that provide such heat is invisible so have no poop on it, filter it to remove elements, and use to heat sauce.
You think a process can be developed to remove capsaicinoids from poop cheaper than just buying more fresh chillis?   At some point, you just have to call it and say enough is enough.  You ate the chillis, got the mouth burn, made the tummy rumble, lit the anal on fire, packed it with yogurt.....how much more can be squeezed out of one pepper? 
Just put the poop in a composting situation and call it Done.  Some cities compost the waste from the poop plant and sell the resulting compost. 
Hello dance lady the idea is to not waste such capsaicin, and the body does not use it for anything except excitement, and waste again, so to maybe since not used for essentials in the human body, to bottle this commodity. :P To make fortune. Since, use it again and again and not run out ever. Only will work with economical filter. Like they say money doesn't grow on trees, but maybe capsaicin grows in toilet.
well, technically, the capsaicin would be filtered out and the poop wouldn't be dug around in......  (just sayin'!!!)  :lol: 
I wonder if compost made from capsaicin-laced poop would sting the hands of the gardner.  You know how those capsaicinoids just hang around and get right into everything.  Like when you cut up an apple on the cutting board last used for cutting up habaneros, or when the blender doesn't get washed out all the way before making that Fruity Smoothie..... 
Based on The Hott Dude's theory, capsaicin laced poop compost should be rather spicy for the gardner's hands. 
D3monic said:
as far as I know it's an oil so just leave it in the toilet for a few days to break down and use a spoon to scoop the oil droplets off the surface. They you can boil it and use in a hotsauce. Good stuff. Call it Recycled ring stinger. 
scary thing is......someone might actually try that!   EEEEEWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well...to be the devil's advocate....they say that collectively we poop out millions of dollars worth of platinum, gold, and silver every year.