
Why in same plant is 5 and 6 petal flowers?
Here's example.


Do you guys know what Specie and variety that is?
Okay, Patrick! Yes, Mika can write Russian. But how do you read that? Does yer mom know? :D
Mika, thanx :) So that's Rocoto? Do you have more flowering pubescenses? Do their flowers differ?
Yep, there's an invalid letter.
Its "ЗдравствуЙте", not "ЗдравствуЛте". "Й" is "Y" as in "you", and "Л" is "L" :) And the word means "Be well-healthed" which is almost same as "hello" but more politely. The "true" hello is "privet" :)
I mean differ in colour :) I know that other peppers can't count too :)
Btw, sometimes lemons do the same. Their normal flowers are 5-petals, but they also form 3 and 4-petal flowers.
Nah then it would be green!

I have had plants with different number of petals, all a part of nature i think.
Yes.Just natutere tricks.
But i make little research if there are some differences to pods.
Like number of seeds or pods size/shape.
If i get some pods that plant;)