• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Wild, Indeed, Community Thread

Just getting this started so I can get a url.
I will post more about this in a couple of days.

Happy New Year, 2021!
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I haven't started many new wilds recently, I've mainly just been maintaining my old overwinters, but I started some Tovarii and Galapagoense seeds 3 or 4 months back. We had a storm Tuesday and power was out for 48 hours leading to sub 50F / 10C household and seed temperatures. Within 24 hours of the heat coming back on, up popped this little galapagoense at day 90 after planting. Amazing how these guys can take so long sometimes and still be viable. Now I'm hoping to see a Tovarii sprout after 120 days!

The fuzzy little guy photobombing on the left is a a brown rocoto.

20241122 - Galap & LBR.jpg
Nice! It's surprising how well some of the wild varieties do with late season production. Lanceolatum stand out as one that will produce very late in the season and even sometimes in the cold of my garage while overwintering. I have a Chilpaya Tuxtlas in my garage right now that is covered in little red pods that set late in the season.
There is atleast one that is equal to or even more tolerant of the cold than C.flexuosum. And many like you say do surprisingly well in a low lit,freezing cold garage for 8 months.
90 days from sowing to helmet head, Rabenii x Tovarii F2. With careful selection I should be able to make something that produces viable seeds but takes eternity-1 to germinate. Has to be a market for it 😂

I do have a couple of more mature F2s for this that I’ve kept ticking over in small pots. Plan to release them outside once weather allows to stretch their roots and see what I get.