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color Wild Purple Guatemalan x Orange Thai "CP" Pod Test

standbyandfire said:
Many thanks to Christopher Phillips for allowing me to grow this cool variety, and thanks for tuning in my friends.
Great review Steven! Beautiful looking plant and the pods sound great (Orange Thai being one of my favorites… I know they are one of Christopher’s as well).
It would be interesting to see if the orange and red pods differ in any significant way with flavors, heat, juiciness, etc., or if it’s mainly just aesthetic looks. I’m thinking it’s just that one plant is more dominant with the Orange Thai characteristics of the cross showing through with the orange pods, while the other is showcasing the dominance of the red pods the Purple Guatemalan exhibits.
Gorizza said:
I wonder what the purple Guatemalan pepper was.
Good review. Was there any noticeable flavor? Or was it more a blast of heat only? I know you said it wouldn't overwhelm any dish's flavor components, so I'm guessing mainly heat...