• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Wildseeds57 not so wild grow, well maybe a little

Well I'm finally getting my glog started as you can see my photos are not the best.
Its been a lousy spring, it started out very cold and wet, we've had several storms and killer
winds my seedlings shrank from 120 to 85 then to 50.
I got all my seeds from a trade with 3/5King and CMP1974 thanks guys the peppers were great and I got enough seed to grow next year and share out seeds to anyone that might like some.
I'm having trouble cutting and pasting right now, but will have it fixed in a few ours and will have all the photos  posted and yes if there's no photo it didn't happen.
Well here we go with the first photos, theses are my pods that I got in trade

These represent just a few of what I got in pods I also received seeds so my list goes like this.
3 Barackapors
6 red Brain strains
5 trinidad scorpions 
4 super scorps
3 peach or orange Bhuts
1- 7 pod Primo
3 bishop hats x praetermissum I'm guessing these two crossed on me last year.
2 chocolate Bhuts
3 Trinidad perfumes
4 Brigit's locotos these are the ones that I'm growing for the biggest plant contest
2 moruga blends
3 red Bhuts these may have crossed with a jalapeno we will see as its hrd to get them to cross.
3 orange Aji peppers
3 "not SBJ7"
2 Trinidad Cardies
3 red Naga morich
4 Chocolate Naga Morich 
4 F3 purple pepper X galapagoens??
2 pakistani peppers
2 "not trinidad perfume" this could be a cross as it has the taste and smell of the T. perfume , but is very hot.
4 red naga monsters
I have several more super hot crosses to go with this list of peppers

Going to ned A bump for more pics.
Thanks Jamie, I can't quite get the hang of loading photos from Flickr, I'll give it another try.Spring was very cold and wet so I got a late start in the garden and was able to get a few things planted

Now all I need to do is learn how to take photos with this cheap camera.             
Was able to get a few pics of my Babies, Its hard getting god pics of them with the cam I have so I plan to use my sister cam as it takes better photos and it doesn't eat batteries like they were candy.
So here they are I will try and put a name to each of the plants although at the size they are they could be anything,

Top one is a small red Brain Strain
The next one is a Barrackapore I have about 6 of them

The next one I stared from seeds marked Super Scorp. So Its a mystery Pepper as no one has talked about it I have 4 or 5 plans

I have 2 plants that my have crossed with each other, so even thow its a bit premature I'll call
it Bishop's Hat X C. praetermissum.

The next is a Peach Bhut

The next are Birgit's locoto That I'm growing for a Biggest plant contest. 
  So hopefully Some one will give me a bump I'll add more pics in a few days.
Aaaawww no Bump?  Lots of lookers, but no comments I know my pics are not that good, I'm not a photographer, just a old gardener with a small raised bed garden.
Tomorrow I plan to take more pics of my peppers if I don't get rained out, Next season 2014 I plan to have some changes made in how I start off my seedlings as last season 2012 my heating mat quit on me so I ran a small heater 24/7 that blew on my table and kept my seed starter green houses warm, but near the end of April it too quit on me, So I really need two or even three heating mats to get all my seeds up and growing.
Secondly I need to enlarge my grow table from 5 1/2' x 3 1/2 feet long to 7ft long and 5ft. wide so that it will be able to hold at least 5 to 10 1 gallon pots and two to three 36 large starter pots in their own little green houses.
Also I really need better lights, which will mean a 70 mile drive to the big city to find some T5 or better Florescent lights along with at least one new 4 ft 4 light fixture, I already have one that takes T8s but needs to be up graded to T5s.
So all this means that I have to come up with enough cash to get new heating mats, new lighting systems, build another grow table maybe one set a few feet above the other so that when I transfer my seedlings to 16 oz foam cups I will have enough room to hold every thing which means I will need a third or even a fourth lighting system for the second grow table all of this will have to go into  my extra bedroom, as my land lord often comes around to check to see if I have any problems or need new air conditioners filters I will need to build every thing fairly nice so that he won't have a fit if he happens to stick his head in to see why I use up so much electricity compared to everyone else. I don't mind him being nosy but I don't want him complaining about all the lights, tables and 2 or three hundred plants all crowed in one room.
Well hopefully some one will give me a bump, so I can post more pics that will include my old growing table, So if anyone has some  ideas Please feel free to post them my grow table and light support is made out of wood and is quite heavy and i need to build a lighter one maybe from PVC pipes? as the lights are quit heavy themselves I need to make sure that the light support will take the weight.
Too I will only have about $350.00 to make the need changes with so If I can make the heating mats and get some used fixtures so much the better as I know the cost may be closer to $600.00 or more if i buy everything pre-made and new.  
Well as promised I made it out to the garden today despite that I was not feeling my best, my last chemo has made me feel like crap and i have been throwing up and other good stuff,  so here are some pics for you all to look at.
well that is it for now I will most likely need another bump, so i can post more pics.
Every thing is blooming. One thing i for got to do this time is make sure that i had all the names above the photo's as i don't think my labeled description on the photos came out with the pics, Oh well next time i will make sure that I post what they are. The bottom photo is of a chiltepin that we put next to the table so that we have some peppers handy that we can add to our food.
Most of the peppers shown are chocolate Nagas, super scorps, red brain strains , barrackapores, 7 pod Infinities, red pakistani peppers along with some crosses and purple tomatillos that self seeded and a pic of a tomato just one of the 20 or so that i have planted. Well I hope all is well and that the weather stays good.
It seems I posted to many pics this time so I have to remove some,  what a bummer.
I want to add that you can click on a photo and that should take you to my photo sharing at flickr, if it doesn't let me know and i will try to get it so that you can look over all my photo's that I have.
Looking good man! Condolences on the late start and chemo side effects. This may sound stupid, but if you are in a state that allows it medically or recreationally, try marijuana consumables or vapor. It really helped my friends step dad keep down food, combat nausea, increase appetite and food enjoyment, improve outlook, and relieve pain while he was undergoing radiation/chemo. His doctor was actually the one that recommended it even though it wasnt legal in his state.
Thanks every one, I was told that they got everything and the few chemo treaments was to make sure nothing bad was left. 
Two days ago I had the second of three treatments and had felt like crap. but today I'm feeling better. One of my older sisters passed away from Lueceima so when this was found I was really bummed out over it, but i realize that many people don't get a second chance with it.
I have some more photo's to post so I'll play go fetch. Well it looks like I can't do that right now so I hope to be able to get the photo's later.
Glad to hear treatment was a success! congrats! Sorry for your loss man, stay strong. Life isn't fair sometimes. The Lord works in funny ways, and that which doesn't kill us makes us stronger.

Looking forward to the pics, your stuff is looking great. Be sure to trick your least favorite in law into some more burnage. Maybe take a video of the punishment even >:)
Hi every one, been feeling a bit sick, but I'm feeling better although next week I have to get my last treatment which I'm not looking forward too, But then I'm all done except for having to run my food through a blender, I decided that fruit and veggie with protein powder smoothies taste better than turning cooked meat and veggies into warm baby food.
I'll be glad when I can start adding hot pepper powder and peppers to my real meals again, although I'm not allowed to eat any whole fresh pods of any super hots for some time to come, but at least I can have small amounts.
Anyway Here is some more pics that I took last time and wasn't able to post, things are still growing but have slowed down I need to give everything a dose of Blood and bone meal, just need to come up with a little money the doctor bill and gas money has kept me broke.
This is a super scorp I have 4 of these I have no idea what they are like
as I can't find a description of them anywhere.

This one is a Barrakpore

This is a 7 pod Infinity I can't wait to try one.

This is a peach or orange Bhut its much bigger now

This next one is the only Trinidad perfume to make it

I have a lot of tomatoes growing here is a row of mixe cherry and paste tomaoes

This next one is my Bishop's hat that I thought had crossed with my
Praetermissum pepper, but its flowering and the flowers are very baccatum like
with no sign of a cross with a praetermissum to bad as I was looking forward to the cross.
This plant is now bigger than any of my C. chinense.

well I will see about getting some more photo's  of the plants
they really need some Ferts, but will have to wait till my money
comes in.
Well its been awhile and I have a few more pics to share, did my last chemo boy am I glad, made me sicker than a dog and couldn't
hold down a glass of milk and felt bad for awhile, but I'm doing better now, good thing as my garden is turning into a jungle.
Our weather here is turning back to hot and dry with killer humidity, the peppers lare loving it but the cucumbers and squash are fighting for space and my Italian pole beans are having it out with my chinese noodle beans.
Well here are the photo's.
First up are my plants at my apartment Ther first one is my Trinidad Scorpion it is podding up nicely 

This one is my Barrackapore its just now filling up with blooms

The seeds of this one was marked "Not SB7J" I got the true SB7J this season so they will be grown in 2014.

I overwintered this plant from last year I thout it was a C. eximium, but the flowers are white
so I have to call it a unknown species.

well off to the garden, this one is my Trinidad Perfume,

This is one of 3 Barrackapores the largest and is podding up

The first pods on the Barrackapore looks like Bhut pods, I'm hoping that now we are having hot weather the pods will look more like Barrachapores and not Bhuts.

Heres another pod that is a little more twisted but still look like a
Bhut pod and not like a Barrackapore.

Here is a 7 pod Infinity pepper plant still a bit small, but starting to develope flowers.

Well that is it, till I get a Bump for more photo's.
Bump please
I'll be headed for the garden in a day or two for more photos I should have some more pods, I got some really twisted T.S. pods they will be quite interesting to see when they get ripe, the heat here is making all my plants to put out pos with some that are odd shaped along side normal looking pods, which is good as I know that they are true to discription, although I notice that many closely related 7 pots have pods that look pretty close to each other.
I've been feeling like my old self and am tempted to try a super hot, but I will just have to wait, Fall Harvest is not to far away and I will be all healed up and back to eating spicy foods. One of my fist spicy dishes will be a spicy Mango and Chicken Salad then i might go for a nice spicy Broiled Fish and jerked goat or pig on a stick maybe do a spicy Pork shoulder cooked with a nice trinidad sauce till in falls of the bone and wrapped in soft tacos.
Hi all, I had a Major health problem that came up just when I was feeling better,  I kept running a fever and went in for some blood work, they had me set up time to see my doc. and got the bad news that they wanted me to check into the hospital right away, long story / I ended up having surgery on my liver, my heart quit on me once, but came back, Darn no lights for me. 
Had to do radiation, chemo again , I spent a long time in the hospital while I was in there was a bad storm that took out my phones, Computer, and several other electrical applicances, so I had to replace them, No I didn't have renters insurance, as I never thought I would need it.
Getting a used PC and replacing things set me back some, While I was gone the garden was pretty much on its own as my sister was to busy taking care of our mother who is 91 yeas old and needs full time home help.
The pepper and the Okra and some pole beans are all that is left and I can't even drag a hose around for a few more days as I'm just to weak to do much.
I have plenty of peppers that are still putting out pods despite not getting much water, I won't have a very big crop but will have enough to get through the winter and maybe spring.
I've got my food dehydrator full of pods and picked several super hots that I can't identify as most of my tags and sign post are gone from the flooding we got at my sister's home, where we have the garden. Boy that was a mess to clean up I know what a lot of peppers are, but some of the 7 pot/pods look a lot alike each other, trying to guess which might be a Barrakpore or a morauga blend or red brain strain or an infinity have me looking at photos I have at the begaining of this blog to make sure they are what I thing they are, the red brain strain is pretty easy, but the infinity and morauga blend look pretty close. My Bhuts seem to like all the stress as they are putting out some really knarly pods, and my red Congo monsters and Naga Morich's are making some nice pods athough I can't eat any fresh pods just yet as I'm not all healed up and I have to watch what I eat.
Over all I came out Ok but it will take time and rest to get back to my old self and I will have to make sure I'm strong enough for another garden next year, which may be a few buckets of peppers and some tomatoes if I'm not strong enough to handle doing garden work and keeping the yard mowed.
I will try and get a few pepper photos as soon as I can, which might take a week or two when I feel up to moving around again, right now all I want to do is rest in bed and sit in the sun for awhile.
I'm still up and down, Just when when I think I can go and water the garden to keep my peppers going, I get really tired. Tried to take some photo's but after one pic the batteries gave out, I need to get some rechargeable batteries or better yet a good camera.
This year has been hell for me, first the need for some good lights then planting time the weather turned cold my health problems started, storms just about every other week then when it turn nice back to the hospital after which it turned hot and more bad storms flooding and I'm just about out of the game for awhile at least, I'm going to pick a few of my best plants to over winter and not start anything from seeds unless I have room for them or they are really special I do have some pepper seeds on the way that I really want to grow next year so maybe just a few and no more.
Things will turn around for the better soon it will just take a little time, I'm going to beat this, after all I'm just 61 and still have a few good years to go.