Will all this rain kill my plants?

It's been raining like crazy.  My plants had a rough start to begin with, and it's been raining a lot since i finally planted them out. Some of my plants showed some promise; quite a few blossoms, a few pods.... but now, i'm pretty sure from all the rain, the lower leaves are turning yellow and whatnot.  Soil is definitely too wet.  I'm thinking of trying to find a way to cover them, but they're at the community garden and i'm not entirely sure how feasible that'll be.
Bottom line: will too much rain kill these things?  I know it can make them drop leaves and blossoms, but will it kill the whole plants dead??
I had several plants drop every single one of their leaves this year from the combination of transplant shock and being rained on heavily practically every day for two solid weeks.  All of them have recovered fully.  Being waterlogged for too long can certainly kill them, but as long as you have a few dry days in there they should perk right back up.
That's rad.  The soil in the bed i got at the community garden, it drains fast so that could help if we get another break soon... i think that's helped a lot; it dries up kinda quick when the rain stops and the temps creep up. Supposed to be in the 60s all week though, and rain at least half the days.... =(
I agree with Slug. We've had a ridiculous amount of rain here in South Louisiana, and had a few severe storms as well. Lost nearly all my flowers, and even a few set pods during it. Everything has come back great and I'm starting to get good harvests now.
With good draining soil and some dry weather they should bounce back fine.