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storage will cut peppers go bad unrefrigerated

i have a chocolate scorpion pepper that i cut in half but i only ended up using only one of the halves. how long will it take for the other half to go bad if left out of the fridge? anyone know?
i have a chocolate scorpion pepper that i cut in half but i only ended up using only one of the halves. how long will it take for the other half to go bad if left out of the fridge? anyone know?

here's a pic

i cut this pepper on sunday and its been un-refrigerated since then.. :think:
someone help!
i have more peppers and seeds haha i guess the real question is do you think its fine to eat/cook with?
Yes, peppers can be set out for days to dry and are still edible, so I don't see why yours wouldn't be...
Grass Snake said:
Yes, peppers can be set out for days to dry and are still edible, so I don't see why yours wouldn't be...

even if cut open though right? I dont know if you saw the picture but i only saved half in a ziplock bag and didnt think to refrigerate..
I guess it depends on the conditions of the room...like temp and humidity. I cut open a Brown Moruga one year and left it in a warm room. It molded. I like to keep my cut open peppers in an air conditioned room. They seem to dry faster and no mold.
Bhuter said:
I guess it depends on the conditions of the room...like temp and humidity. I cut open a Brown Moruga one year and left it in a warm room. It molded. I like to keep my cut open peppers in an air conditioned room. They seem to dry faster and no mold.

thanks! this actually helped a lot! :dance:
I frequently cut peppers in half and leave out to dry, never had a problem, do that with the commercial store crap, they go mouldy.
Who said he wants to dry them out?
I'm guessing they're mentioning it because that's what most people are doing when leaving half of a pepper sitting out unrefrigerated.