heat Will eating pure capsaicin crystals cause my death?

Luckydog, I did search but not hard enough I suppose. Yes it was a solo project sic here's a video (my dick can't be seen in the video, don't worry)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1_a4JMSqgk. Why would I do it? To challenge myself with pain, others would say because I'm a fucked up psycho, whichever you prefer. I understand how the scoville scale works, about 16 times hotter than the hottest hot sauce I could find. This will hurt to a level I probably don't know exists yet and to my knowledge will leave me with minimal physical damage, exactly what I'm looking for. Yes deville, that would be a good idea, if I find I can't take it. I will spit it out. IV would be incredibly dangerous, not that that has ever stopped me before, I might try it the future if I am not deterred by oral consumption. Nigel, a serious answer is much appreciated, thank you. As to smoking the ghost chilli flakes, challenge accepted. If your serious I'll PM my address to someone willing to send me some. Sic, it's not a matter of keeping up with or impressing my peers as implied by you quoting something I didn't say. P.wig, hmm. I like it, from now on you can call me P.wig. I've seen the video of the guy drinking the capsaicin, you guys might get a kick out of this video as well http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9LQiBhMiXM. I'm happy to have made your day for some of you.
i think your video is stupid and gross!!!!!!!!!!        so you are posting a video of you jerking off?   
This thread is gold, but no way am I watching this video.

If you want a real challenge, dissolve the capsaicin crystals into a solution and give yourself an enema with it. Make sure to hold it in and swish it around for at least 5 minutes to get the full effect.
I noticed you're in Oz...which poses some difficulties to your grand plan.  You cannot get capsaicin powder Down Under, as well as in most EU countries.  It's illegal, considered a "potential weapon".  Products containing capsaicin, like the one the Idiot drank, can be imported. 
Theoretically, Yes, you can ingest enough capsaicin to kill yourself.  Your body has a natural defense mechanism (puking) when it recognizes dangerous substances.  The stuff that the Idiot had was 1mil SHU.  Current version of that product is 1.5mil and can be sent to AUS.  If the Idiot couldn't handle it, what makes you think you can....and why would you want to???? 
I also know of an all natural sauce containing capsaicin, 7 Pots and Morugas that is available through Heatseekers Chilli.  It's over 500,000 and kicks butt.  My husband ate about 1.5 teaspoon (by mistake) and passed out.  Literally, frickin passed out on the kitchen floor.  I thought he was having a heart attack. 
Anyway, if you choose to eat one of these extreme products....as was said in one of the early posts... you may not die......but you will probably wish you were dead.  Do NOT mess around with these hot products.  Take a test taste of whatever it is.  The Idiot was familiar with the stuff he drank, but chose to do it anyway....and paid the price. 
Don't f*%k around with these things.  Get Incinerator, try it, maybe get the other product, try it.  Forget pure capsaicin.
Those who know me, know I don't post swear words lightly. 
Maybe after inhaling your capsiacin crystals you can jump into a cactus like this guy does (god i hope i dont give you any ideas )
I think, I'll probably leave the enema and cactus jump for another day despite how much fun they sound. Sic, no not masturbating, do you realize how difficult it would be to get it up with dencorub on my junk. Yeah this is one of the funnier threads I've been in.
I plan on buying a bottle of incinerator and if I feel like upping it's heat I will add 2 grams of capsaicin. This was a funny thread, thanks for all your answers.
About Mulch said:
Maybe after inhaling your capsiacin crystals you can jump into a cactus like this guy does (god i hope i dont give you any ideas )
Pretty sure I have no idea what this gentleman thought would happen when jumping into a cactus. As if he wasn't a big enough prick anyway, now he has several jammed into his vains. : S
wow, if that video is what it purports itelf to be, i refeuse to even attempt it, why hasn't a mod removed it?

reflects poorly on a board that would allow it to remain viewable.

very sad
Mamsoth said:
Pretty sure I have no idea what this gentleman thought would happen when jumping into a cactus. As if he wasn't a big enough prick anyway, now he has several jammed into his vains. : S
Cactus 1
Dbag 0
ThePurpleWiggle said:
Will eating pure capsaicin crystals cause my death?
It may not, so you should probably have a back up plan, like laying down in front of a train, just to make sure
Be a man!!!
Downing a shot of diluted heat is a wimp's game.
A fistfull of TS Morugas, however-------------. :fireball:
You prolly won't die immediately, the rush after may cause your heart to give out, and if you survive that, the next morning's exit may---no, will---make you wish you didn't survive.
Of course, as your intestines swell and twist trying to expell the stuff, as you are running from all orifices for hours unending, you may think "this was stupid" after it is too late.
Do whips, chains, cuffs, and a ball gag instead.
You can sell that video to the right crowd and make a few $$.
Staple your "pods" to the table first---they pay extra for that. :crazy: