heat Will eating pure capsaicin crystals cause my death?

I ordered pure capsaicin and one video said to heat it another said to use alcohol  I'm not sure what is best.
Danise Coon, Senior Research Specialist from the New Mexico State University Chile Breeding Program & Chile Pepper Institute, compared the effects of the sauce to consuming pure capsaicin, an active component of chili peppers which causes a burning sensation.

'Pure capsaicin has the ability to blister the skin, including the skin in and around the mouth,' she wrote in an email.

'I have personally witnessed some people who have tried pure capsaicin to pass out.

'Mainly due to the fact that they were not expecting the experience.' http://www.designntrend.com/articles/16888/20140718/uk-reporter-finishes-xxx-hot-chilli-burger-that-hospitalized-him.htm
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Yes enough pain from any source can make a person pass out and/or go into shock.
The larger danger IMO, especially if one is swishing it around in their mouth, is having some find it's way into your wind pipe then it swells shut so you can't breathe.  I would want a friend present with a breathing tube and the constitution to use it if necessary... then if that doesn't work, can't get the tube in then the friend better not be squeamish about performing a tracheotomy.
I remember the days of being young, dumb, and stupid....and got away with it for 27 years when I had a real eye opener and realized I was NOT bullet proof....I can't believe I have almost made it to Medicare (August 1st).... roflmao