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Will she leave me?

I am a freshman at this "hot pepper stuff".
My first year growing peppers that were given to me.
I have dehydrated some of my peppers, but had to move that into the garage.
Doing sauces and purees and fermenting and powders in "her kitchen" may be pushing the limit.
Compared to dehydrating pepper pods, which she would consider a "10" in environmental pollution, what is using a blender, coffee grinder, food mill and cooking peppers on HER stove top compare to?
Do I have to build a new kitchen in my "man cave"? 
winland said:
I am a freshman at this "hot pepper stuff".
My first year growing peppers that were given to me.
I have dehydrated some of my peppers, but had to move that into the garage.
Doing sauces and purees and fermenting and powders in "her kitchen" may be pushing the limit.
Compared to dehydrating pepper pods, which she would consider a "10" in environmental pollution, what is using a blender, coffee grinder, food mill and cooking peppers on HER stove top compare to?
Do I have to build a new kitchen in my "man cave"? 

Put some powder in fudge, women LOVE CHOCOLATE. Great way to get her tollorance up. Give her a kiss after eating something hot. HOT LIPS win everytime.
If she does not have the same affection or affliction to hot peppers as you have, buy your own blender, coffee grinder, pots and pans, dehydrator and anything else capsaicin will touch and you will be good. And plan to have her spend the day out doing something she likes when you do your thing.
Get capsaicin one place it shouldn't be and you will never live it down. And noooo, dont go there. Although I have heard of such things.
Ok, so maybe I'm not like all the other chicks out there, but I LOVE HOT STUFF. (No, not the member….. :rolleyes:  :lol: ) My fam is almost scared of trying things when I say "oops" out loud - yes, as in "oops, think I put A BIT more heat in there than I intended." So yeah, as CAPCOM said, get your own blender, grinder, etc. However, if you are living together, it is as much YOUR kitchen as HERS. If she's sensitive to the capsaicin in the air, yes, agree that those should be chick nights out - female bonding time with her friends. My son is not nearly as tolerant of the heat as I am, so we kind of play this game, too. Biggest thing - give FAIR WARNING before you do stuff. FAIR WARNING is enough time for her to make arrangements to be gone, however much time she agrees is appropriate - but agree on this in advance so she can't start stretching things out. Also, keep plenty of "antidote" around. As far as soaps are concerned, I use a combo of Dawn and the kitchen hand soap from Bath & Body Works - don't know why, but that combo seems to work the best for me. Use gloves EVERY time you work with pods/sauces/powders, and either use disposables (I use Playtex Clean Cuisine and like them very much) or get a more sturdy pair that are just for working with peppers. Milk and ice cream are good to have around, just in case. Sugar somehow helps, so things like sweetened dried cranberries and even gummy bears are good in case you overheat something that she is going to consume. Dry starches help absorb cap in the mouth/stomach, so keep things like saltine crackers or even chips around (those chips they serve at Mexican restaurants aren't just a holder for hot sauce - they also help cool the mouth when eaten without sauce.) And yeah, wash everything with soap and cold water first, then pull out the hot water. I'll admit that when I steam myself this way it both makes me choke horribly but also laugh at myself - I mean, c'mon, I KNOW this happens with hot water, but I still manage to do it from time to time!  :crazy:
Sack up and tell her how it is!
I keed, I keed ... there are all kinds of techniques to minimize the fire and brimstone. I have a wife and little kids to worry about and also dehydrate in the garage. If all else fails, simply get a good propane burner for outdoor or ventilated garage cooking.
Husker21 said:
Steaming hot water is the worst! I can take the cooking and grinding. It's cleaning up that destroys me.
Leave it for her.

Nah just kidding, don't listen to me.. that shit will get you killed.

Best thing to do is to get her out of the house. For 1 hour is enough, when she returns you've already started cooking.