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Will someone here please threaten me?

I've been usurped?...
Careful there...
Naga Chomper said:
I've been usurped?...
Careful there...
OK, so either you used Google Street View, or you're parked outside of my house. 
I'm not sure which is creepier, but that doesn't concern me as much as who the hell is that in my front yard? 

Ps - I thought the off-white with milk-chocolate trim was a nice combo, no?  
how about some  old school Willy to get back on track..   I am not exactly sure what is being done with the pickle but it doesn't  sound quite right  :shocked:
 " Hence, Horrible villain, or I'll spurn thine eyes Like balls before me! I'll unhair thy head! Thou shalt be whipped with wire and stewed in brine, Smarting in lingering pickle! "
Lucky Dog Hot Sauce said:
OK, so either you used Google Street View, or you're parked outside of my house. 
I'm not sure which is creepier, but that doesn't concern me as much as who the hell is that in my front yard? 

Ps - I thought the off-white with milk-chocolate trim was a nice combo, no?  
I thought the best touch was the irony of the "Beware Of Dog" sign.
Naga Chomper said:
I thought the best touch was the irony of the "Beware Of Dog" sign.
Oh, no irony there - Lucky is a real dog. He would bite the shit out of a mailman or UPS guy. Something about uniforms & dogs....

He's also none too find of strangers. I've had solicitors come to the fence and he does a nice job of letting them know they're not welcome.
Lucky Dog Hot Sauce said:
Oh, no irony there - Lucky is a real dog. He would bite the shit out of a mailman or UPS guy. Something about uniforms & dogs....

He's also none too find of strangers. I've had solicitors come to the fence and he does a nice job of letting them know they're not welcome.
Good boy.
But he does like ribeye steaks. I gave him one when I took the picture. We're buds now.
I'm a scarity guard with a vicious attack dog.
I agree,don't give ANYONE a clue as to how to By Pass my security system.
My Dog/Buddy Might or Might not be a chow hound...
Trained security dogs Will not eat from a strangers hand - they are trained that way.
Snacks or no snacks might not make a difference if you tried to mess with me physically though.
She KNOWS where the MAIN Source of eats comes from on a DAILY basis.
Snacks might get her to let you into the lot,BUT several other things make a difference.
Don't EVER run out of Steaks,not EVEN for a second!
She'll get pissed off,BIG TIME!
She is or isn't a firm believer in a FULL stomach being an impossibility.
No such thing as too much to eat!
Your body parts might interest her when the steaks run out.
Steven Kings junk yard dog character quote might fit in here "Sic Balls"...
Once the taste buds stop being pleased,your in BIG trouble...
I pity anyone who tries to kick her off HER bed,she might even get pissed if a person tries to sit on my 1/4 portion of the bed ( while sorting through my mostly worthless possesions) where she allows me to hang out.
Only an idiot would break in here.
The last guy that broke in moved a rolling scaffold up to the razor wire to make his excape.
He forgot to lock the wheels on the rolling scaffold.
My vicious attack dog ran under the scaffold and jumped up trying to get at the guy( he ran out of Steaks I think).
As the guy tried to get to the razor topped wall,the scaffold rolled away.
The guy was forced to have his leg on the wall and scaffold spread farther and farther apart.
He did the splits...
Once the guy felt warm dog breath on his balls he grabbed the razor wire and pulled himself out of the lot.
There was blood everywhere the next morning.
I was watching the whole thing,I couldn't have hassled the guy,I was doubled over with laughter at the time.
Funniest thing I ever saw on the job in 18+ years of working here,.
Don't EVER underestimate your 4 Legged buddy.
They ALWAYS raise up past expectations if they think you are in need!
smokemaster said:
I'm a scarity guard with a vicious attack dog.
What's a "scarity guard" anyways? lol
I'll bring my Pit Bull and eliminate your "vicious dog" lol ;)
For the record, I am just giving you a hard time so don't take what I said too seriously. What security company do you work for? I worked for Securities for 4 years before my present job.
I work for the people who hired me,not a security company.
Scarity was a joke,twist on words or whatever.
Me being on the lot is supposed to SCARE  the druggies that used to break in away.
I was originally hired because these dopers were breaking in nightly to steal a $100 Tv or whatever from a coach and doing $2000. + worth of damage to get it.
We lost some big $ contracts due to break ins.
Lost contracts with the Movie Studios etc.
Contracts were for sales and service.
One break in was in a coach that was an Editing "ON Site" Tech setup.
They stole ALL the Editors etc. thinking they stole computers and monitors.
The stuff was specific equipment that the monitors wouldn't even work on a regular computer.
They found all the stolen stuff in a dumpster a week + latter.
BUT we lost the contract - BIG $ at the time...
I was Hired...
At the same time,I worked on the CUSTOM coaches that were ordered for a couple of movies that Loni Anderson needed  a coach in the Burt Reynolds films.
I was a contractor for painting or whatever at the time.
I got sick due to health/Lung problems at the time from the stuff we used.
Managed Apt. buildings then did this security job.
Nope,I don't even consider myself as a Brinks or whatever similar or high security type job.
I'm just what my particular job desires.
I DO like going to the range.
I reallyt like my .44 mag WITH THE RIGHT RELOADS I make for them
AFTER a LONG time experimenting with powders and loads - years...
Reloads I have ARE created to kick ass BUT were at the same time,formulated to NOT kill people a block away or whatever.
Designed to do what I might need them to do,IF needed at any given time.
A friend of mine was a Gunsmith or whatever.
He formulated most of the .44 mag. loads and chonographed them.
Told me what wasn't cool as far as Chamber pressures etc.
Ya I have a couple other pistols in case I need them.
I'm pretty sure I won't.
I got a dog that sounds REALLY nasty at dark thirty at night.
A barking Dog beats a silent mean and nasty everytime.
Makes theives more unsure during a break in.
They have to worry about me AND a dog.
They can hear me,But a dog can come from anywhere.
My fat ass is slower than heck.
I guess I blew it too.
I let the whole world know that if they wear a cup and a vest,while hauling a case of steaks around they don't have anything to worry about if they come on the lot after hours.
Damn...I gave my secrets away.