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shade Will this work as a shade tent?

I built this today cause I need to harden up some plants. Will this provide enough shade if I move it in and out the first few days. The screen was "sun blocking" screen. Seems to block atleast 50% of the light easily.


Looks good,maybe  for next year , consider a small Greenhouse.Harbor Freight has   a  small  kit,6 x8  that is easy  to put together...you supply the foundation..it is worth  a look.I have seen it for as  low as $199  when they have a good promotion.The most important thing is securing the panels.
floricole said:
for the first day, you can put 3-4 mx of 1x2 on the top with space between them to give more shade
Thanks ill do that.
juanitos said:
yea thats good
Could you venture a guess.. What gives more light? A 400w grow light or a plant in that shade tent?
it will work.

after a few days though... consider aiming it south and opening up just the face such that it recieves only morning sun unadulterated... then as you approach noon the shaded portion takes over.

in my experience it takes no longer than a week to harden off plants... unless you are going from indoors to like blazing balls hot/bright summer.
That's much much more than 50%. If I were to venture a guess I would say 70+
Basically, it's ideal for hardening off but not for growing. You'll still need to acclimate from that to full non-shaded sun though. Pay mind to Queequeg152's suggestion.