seeds-germination Wilting seedlings

Hello everyone! WOW this place got a facelift. havent been around in a while...

Im having some trouble with my seedlings. I am growing indoors in Central FL here. .. I've never struggled with pepper seedlings before i joined this forum.... i thought i would only get better! :rolleyes: but it turns out ive been having alot of trouble. I dont know what i am doing wrong...

Started these seeds in a heat mat/germination tray with seed starting mix, moved them to plastic cups with drain holes with potting mix when they had a few leaves, and ever since they have been wilting slightly, and then more, and then nothing, dead. :(

I have some pics i will upload in a few seconds... ANy help is greatly appreciated!!! :lol: Thanks everyone...
starts like this

then this

and then, this.
Try starting a new batch. Put your seeds into the cups from the start, trying your potting mix as your starting soil, on the germ mat. Place them in a tray so you dont get a mess from the cups draining. Just a suggestion. Are you using a grow light? Whats the temp you are keeping them at? I am by no means a green thumb, but I am doing pretty good so far this season with my seedlings.

Looks like Miracle Grow potting soil, am I correct? Dont use Miracle Blow. LOL

I was at WalMart the other day and they had the peat pot packs, they are under 10 bucks for the tray, dome and 72 peats.
They look like they are kind of leggy, what kind of light are you using, distance from plants ect. How often are you watering, are there any temperature swings.

Miracle Grow might not be the best soil for starting and growing peppers, but I know there are many on this board, myself included who have successfully used it with out the problem being experienced here. I have over 100 seedlings going that were started in MG and right now they are going strong.
Thank you for the replies!

How do you guys know it was miracle grow? I had to go check, i was unsure myself.... lol. I didnt buy it anyway, it was there. What do you recommend instead??

The temperature is between 70-75, watering only when the soil dries out, or gets close to drying out.

I know they are a little leggy, they are receiving alot of light through the windows and doors here, ALOT of light, and in the nighttime, i am giving them a 18" fluorescent light, "plant and aquarium" bulb. have a small budget here, lol. the lamp is approx. 1'-1.5' high.

I intend on starting a new batch, but i figured id ask for help to see what is the wrong move in the first place so i don't end up back here...

this plant was started the same way...... and it turned out great! This was before a few weeks before the freeze here... SO im not entirely sure where i went wrong this time...

I could tell it was miracle grow by all the garbage in it (wood and crap). I am very unhappy with miracle grow, when I pot up the rest of my peppers I am going to try ProMix or another brand that is without woodchips and junk in it (I will also repot the 6 Bhut's I have now in miracle grow). They are supposed to be biogradeable, but I just dont like it. That plant is awesome though, what kind is it? Medusa?
Matt50680 said:
I could tell it was miracle grow by all the garbage in it (wood and crap). I am very unhappy with miracle grow, when I pot up the rest of my peppers I am going to try ProMix or another brand that is without woodchips and junk in it (I will also repot the 6 Bhut's I have now in miracle grow). They are supposed to be biogradeable, but I just dont like it. That plant is awesome though, what kind is it? Medusa?

it tastes like a tabasco.... and it is juicy, but i am unsure.

Do you think the soil is what is causing the wilting? or not really? :(
I think that your soil may be too high in Nitrogen, it looks as though your seedlings are frying themselves.
Not Medusa, could be a Tabasco cross as Tabascos have bigger leaves AFAIK.
While the soil is not the best for germination I do not think that is your problem. I would say first get those plants within 2inches of your light. It appears as if they are getting leggy and falling over. The first shot you have looks a bit too wet but I do not see any dampening off where the stem meets the soil. When you water try to aim for moist. Once the seedlings begin to grow it is important to realize that the top of the soil can be crispy and dry while the soil below can still be moist. The weight of the pot in my hand usually determines whether they need water. Air circulation is also very important. I would recommend you go out and buy an oscillating fan and a timer. If not, do you have a ceiling fan in that room. If so run it on its lowest setting. You can't imagine how helpful it can be.
I would tend to agree about the light Josh however peppercrazy said that they were getting A LOT of light.

Just my 0.2 :)
Novacastrian said:
I think that your soil may be too high in Nitrogen, it looks as though your seedlings are frying themselves.
Not Medusa, could be a Tabasco cross as Tabascos have bigger leaves AFAIK.

How do i reduce the nitrogen?? I havent fertilized them yet...

Josh said:
While the soil is not the best for germination I do not think that is your problem. I would say first get those plants within 2inches of your light. It appears as if they are getting leggy and falling over. The first shot you have looks a bit too wet but I do not see any dampening off where the stem meets the soil. When you water try to aim for moist. Once the seedlings begin to grow it is important to realize that the top of the soil can be crispy and dry while the soil below can still be moist. The weight of the pot in my hand usually determines whether they need water. Air circulation is also very important. I would recommend you go out and buy an oscillating fan and a timer. If not, do you have a ceiling fan in that room. If so run it on its lowest setting. You can't imagine how helpful it can be.

The first shot is some kinda fluke, that seedling shot up on the side there after the main plant in the center (not pictured) died. However, it is doing the same thing all the others are, falling over and drying up. The ceiling fan is on high... or med. Id agree they are a bit over-moist... ty for the help. :cool:

Novacastrian said:
I would tend to agree about the light Josh however peppercrazy said that they were getting A LOT of light.

Just my 0.2 :)

To me it seems like a lot of light, but growing indoors, im not entirely sure how much they need. i will try to lower the light and see if that helps them...

Cant afford to get any higher powered lights, so if light seems to be the problem, ill begin to start hardening it off here outside.... its been fairly warm.. ill bring them back inside if it is going to get cold. Take advantage of earth's light bulb.. lol.
peppercrazy said:
How do i reduce the nitrogen?? I havent fertilized them yet...

The first shot is some kinda fluke, that seedling shot up on the side there after the main plant in the center (not pictured) died. However, it is doing the same thing all the others are, falling over and drying up. The ceiling fan is on high... or med. Id agree they are a bit over-moist... ty for the help. :cool:

Well if using Miracle Gro potting medium you can actually go through the soil and pick out the yellow balls. They are the fertilizer. It will be tedious but certainly doable.

If that seedling was a fluke then I agree with POTAWIE. Pay close attention to where the stem meets the potting mix. If it turns brown you are experiencing damping off. Good luck and stay with it. It can be a bit frustrating until you get your method dialed in.
They look a bit wet and also leggy (doesn't have to be not enough light, might as well be the ferts).

Also, do they receive light day and night, I'm not sure if I misunderstood (if so ignore the following)? They should have a rest period in which they receive no light or the plant will become overly stressed.
I am actually being different with the light thing. I am going 48 on 8 off. Seems to be working, they arent getting leggy, they are nice and green and most have doubled their size in the last week or so...
Looks like you soil is TOO wet. Because if you are giving the plants the proper light and soil. (and not groing on the absolute side of the cup) you should be ok But Overwatering and underwatering seems to be the biggest challenge in the seedling stage as well as air flow like josh said. Bottom feeding like potawie said is a good method i have been working on make sure the soil is at the right moisture level very important with the small root system.
:Pmy lights are on a cheap wal-mart timer$ 4.49 on 16 off 8 works for me.had an old fart up the street from me tell me to never,never,never use miracle grow for anything.he said its real crap.way to big to start seeds.i been using ferry morse seed starting soil the last 6 years, can by it at Lowes cheeap.bought 2 bags today,4.95 a for me.also have small fan blow over plants.
Looks like dampening off. I'd suggest using a better "soil" and smaller pots, as well as only bottom watering

I second what Potawie has said along with what Josh has said, as soon as they sprout get your light source as close to your plants as possible.