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My plants seem to be wilting in the evening for some reason. Not so much in the heat of the day, they are not over or underwatered, PH is neutral, and not too much fert. Any ideas? I should add that they aren't really wilting, more droopy I would say.

Sorry mods please move to growing section, my bad.
I had mine do that and in the morning they were ok but toward evening time droop along I think its the humidity. Has your humitidy been pretty high with all the rain we have been getting?
okie joe said:
I had mine do that and in the morning they were ok but toward evening time droop along I think its the humidity. Has your humitidy been pretty high with all the rain we have been getting?

It seems to always be humid in Iowa so yeah, I guess I didn't realize that humidity could have that affect.
It's to make the stems spread.
It's some kind of tropism. Not all varieties do this, but most do.
There's nothing wrong with your plants.
They do this to get some rest from the long hard day.
It happens every night at the same time. They perk back up just before dawn.
I'm not kidding.
Cool Mike. ;^)
Even if i keep the lights on 24/7, they do this. i guess they can sense what time of day it is.
Maybe because they can see the little bit of light(and dark) coming through the window on the other side of the room.
Ya. my lil babies.. i been coddling..but roughly.

I do daily 'tweeking' on them to grow strong stems..micronutes to grow even stronger bodies.

They do droop some at night adn such. But they are strong. They know there are 1900 lumens of full-spec waiting fo them to coem home.

It's a plant. Treat it like one IMO. Check temps though..you dont' want too cook yer peppers.

Remember..it's alive. It reacts just like you do, just for diff reasons.
Like a human, it has a range of optimal survival and growth.

All things alive need care..some aware, some not. Be in tune with your plants and they will shout glee with many peppers at harvest. Is it any wonder that the hottest pepeprs come from the most Zen areas?

Use some Epsom salt diluted in water & water the plants you would not have this problem also plant will have dark green leafs you can use any time you water the plants if is good for the humans it is good for vegetable.I use even in hydroponics in the winter time.