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windchicken 2015

It was from my own inaction that I missed so many of my awesome THP friends over most of last season…I will not lie, it's much more convenient to post pix—and do just about anything—on that other very popular social media site, but there's no place there to maintain a grow log…Those of you who have not fallen prey to that particular internet time-waster of which I speak and have remained loyal to THP have my greatest love and respect…I pledge today to maintain this glog throughout the complete 2015 grow season! 
Last weekend (January 10 & 11) I sowed most of my C. chinense seeds: 4 x 18-cell trays, 72 x 3" wide cells. The sprouting medium is Fafard Super Fine Germination Mix. The light stand is Harris Seed's "8 Tray 2-Tier Combo", which includes a 4' x 2' heat mat and a light timer. New this year is a DeLonghi radiant heater to drive out the cold drafts in this spare bedroom. Everything else is the same as last year. 
As far as varieties sown this year, I agonized over a couple of "dream" lists during the fall, and obsessed over a nice spreadsheet in the week preceding this sowing, but I couldn't settle on a firm "assemblage" of super hot varieties. So I waited until the last minute (after the soil was already in the trays) and went with my gut. This is what I sowed:
7 Pot Primo (pepperlover.com), 18
7 Pot Primo (Primo's Backyard Select) 9
Bonda Man Jacques x 7 Pot Yellow (F4), 9 (Spicegeist's wonderfully hot and flavorful marriage of 2 yellow Caribbean classics)
Baby Barrackpore (F3), 9 (my favorite of the 3 phenotypes of Spicegeist's Sonoran Chiltepin x 7 Pot Barrackpore)
NagaBrain Red (F4), 9
NagaBrain Chocolate, Tmudder Strain (F3), 9
NagaBrain Yellow (F2), 9
The DeSoto Parish garden is looking better than it has in a long time. I've built one of these 50-foot RCW beds per year, starting in 2012, and it's finally starting to pay off. There's a little cleaning up and planting to do in the far left (newest and not truly RCW construction) bed, then it will be planted out. Visible in the photo are 4 beds (left-to-right): the in-ground perennial SmiterQ Texas Pequins (only 4 plants), next are the New Mexico Chile, then the NagaBrains, and the fourth bed is 7 Pot Primo. Barely peeking out from behind the shade tent, in the 18-foot Executive Bed, are the Mississippi Scorpions:

The prodigious NagaBrain Yellow (f2) were the first to set pods, and lots of them, way before the plants that went in the garden earlier than they did:
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
looks great... both my yellows are out. One in ground and one in pot.. the one in ground is small but flowering g already. Super stoked
Awesome KD! Thanks for growing it! I'm excited to see what kind of fruit you get from those NagaBrains. Jamie Hill (romy6) has NB Yellow plants, too, already setting pods of two different phenotypes. This year is looking real good for my brand-new yellow baby.  :dance:
This panorama shot of the DeSoto Parish garden shows it much better than the above photo…Of course it shows the weeds much better, too…but y'all can ignore those, right?  :P You can see that the Texas Pequins (right side, nearest the camera, by my steaming hot cup of Community) are actually thick clumps of several plants, as they tend to be in the wild. Showcased in the first complete row nearest the camera are 10 plants of the Lytle family's new Big Jim Legacy (shorter plants on the left) and 15 plants of Faron Lytle's kickass new triple-hot New Mexico chile, Lumbre. (If you haven't checked out their web store, stop reading right now and go to http://www.chileseedusa.com. Most varieties are around $5.00 for a solid ounce of excellent, 100% germ rate seeds.)
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Looking awesome! When you turning that big ass barrel into a monster smoker ;)
Oh damn, Chris, what a killer idea!!! I've been troubling over a way to do mass-produced Chipotle, and you just solved that problem!!! Thanks dude! The first batch has your name on it!!!  :dance:  :dance:  :dance:
Here's a better pik of one of those SmiterQ Texas Pequins. You may recall that we had several ice storms this winter, then in the early spring four of these little Texas badasses sprouted back from the stumps:
Thanks for the link on the RCW stuff. It sounds interesting, and I'm already using wood chip mulch as much as I can.  Also, I figure building soil is a multi-year process, so it'll be interesting to read about this. I just put it on my kindle.
Looks like things are moving right along for you - very cool to see that Pequin come back!
Pulpiteer said:
Thanks for the link on the RCW stuff. It sounds interesting, and I'm already using wood chip mulch as much as I can.  Also, I figure building soil is a multi-year process, so it'll be interesting to read about this. I just put it on my kindle.
Looks like things are moving right along for you - very cool to see that Pequin come back!
Thanks for building forest soil, Andy! You can expect it to get progressively richer with the passing years, the very opposite result of modern agricultural practices.
7 Pot Primo, the Official Super Hot Chile of Louisiana, growing happily today in my garden in the Dolet Hills of DeSoto Parish. This is an amazingly "upwardly mobile" plant—Many of the first forks are at 24 inches in height.
Y'all have an awesome holiday weekend!  :dance:  :dance:  :dance:
windchicken said:
Thanks for building forest soil, Andy! You can expect it to get progressively richer with the passing years, the very opposite result of modern agricultural practices.
7 Pot Primo, the Official Super Hot Chile of Louisiana, growing happily today in my garden in the Dolet Hills of DeSoto Parish. This is an amazingly "upwardly mobile" plant—Many of the first forks are at 24 inches in height.
Y'all have an awesome holiday weekend!  :dance:  :dance:  :dance:
Just finished reading up on your glog windchicken, plants are looking awesome!
ThePepperTrent said:
Just finished reading up on your glog windchicken, plants are looking awesome!
Wow, thanks PT! And thanks so much for stopping by!
capsidadburn said:
Thing of beauty right there Gary!
Thanks Mike! I've been meaning to tell you that those Cumari do Para seeds you sent me all those years ago have spread around the globe…People seem to really love it. My brother and his wife have kept one overwintered for several years in Dallas.  :P
Cool!  Thats definately one to love!  Small, yellow, and carry's a heavy punch.  :shocked:  Got those from ebay back in 2008 or 9 from John Leone/ Chiliman.  All of his stuff was good and true. 
I rarely have a look at ebay these days.  To many good seed sellers around!
Your Desoto Parish plot is dreamy cool!  Someday maybe I will have that!  I'm lookin forward to your season progress.
windchicken said:
The DeSoto Parish garden is looking better than it has in a long time. I've built one of these 50-foot RCW beds per year, starting in 2012, and it's finally starting to pay off. There's a little cleaning up and planting to do in the far left (newest and not truly RCW construction) bed, then it will be planted out. Visible in the photo are 4 beds (left-to-right): the in-ground perennial SmiterQ Texas Pequins (only 4 plants), next are the New Mexico Chile, then the NagaBrains, and the fourth bed is 7 Pot Primo. Barely peeking out from behind the shade tent, in the 18-foot Executive Bed, are the Mississippi Scorpions:

The prodigious NagaBrain Yellow (f2) were the first to set pods, and lots of them, way before the plants that went in the garden earlier than they did:
Hey Gary.  I've also got a NagaBrain podding up here in the Pacific Northwest.  Seeds from Romy6.  I know nothing about this plant.
Another great THP seed vendor for New Mexico chile seeds: https://id3527.securedata.net/midwestchileheads.com/merchantmanager/index.php?cPath=1
capsidadburn said:
Cool!  Thats definately one to love!  Small, yellow, and carry's a heavy punch.  :shocked:  Got those from ebay back in 2008 or 9 from John Leone/ Chiliman.  All of his stuff was good and true. 
I rarely have a look at ebay these days.  To many good seed sellers around!
Your Desoto Parish plot is dreamy cool!  Someday maybe I will have that!  I'm lookin forward to your season progress.
Thanks for the history of those wonderful seeds! I agree, Mike, there are way too many interesting chiles around these days…I can't imagine that I will live long enough to grow even half of everything that interests me!
Speaking of Cumari do Para, I was sent some seeds by a FB friend in São Paulo from an interesting, similar C. chinense  called Bode ("bo-jee") Amarela. I have 9 plants of it going right now, so there should be plenty of pods to share (not my photo):

JoynersHotPeppers said:
Gary very Zen like and ascetically pleasing! 
Wow, thanks Chris! I thought it was just my OCD, but I do find the straight, even rows to be very soothing... :P
Roguejim said:
Hey Gary.  I've also got a NagaBrain podding up here in the Pacific Northwest.  Seeds from Romy6.  I know nothing about this plant.
Another great THP seed vendor for New Mexico chile seeds: https://id3527.securedata.net/midwestchileheads.com/merchantmanager/index.php?cPath=1
Awesome, RJ! Thanks so much for growing the NagaBrain! That variety is a cross created by Jamie (Romy6) back in 2011, from 7 Pot and Dorset Naga. I've been growing it every year since then, and the original red phenotype is now at the f4 generation. In 2013 Todd Warosh (Tmudder) grew the first generation of NagaBrain Chocolate, and in 2014 I grew the first generation of NagaBrain Yellow. 
This is a photo of one of last season's (f3) NagaBrain plants of my co-worker, "Bayou Bob," showing a fairly typical pod shape:

For my f4 grow I selected seeds from a plant that produced these smaller pods. The capsaicin content of this particular pod was quite high:

Again, thanks for growing the NagaBrain! Please keep us abreast of your progress... :P
Those Naga brains look amazing ! One day I will have to get my hands on some to grow here ... Is the scotch brain in your grow anywhere Gary? I think it was Greg (Pic1) who I saw had it last season ... Looked as amazing as the Naga brains. Speaking of which where is Greg(Pic1) this season? Or have I just missed his glog ?