winland's *not a glog for 2015

Keep your eye on the newest growth. If it is still greenish/healthy-ish, then they have a good fighting chance. Plus it seems like there is still plenty of green even on the damaged leaves to help the plant survive. Hopefully you just get a two week or-so set back. 
Now, I was reading this GLOG :) and I didn't see anything about hardening off, did you plant these straight out from under the grow lights into the ground? If so, I would recommend researching "hardening off". It could be a large factor in how they look right now. If you did harden off, then, please pardon me. 
Looking great though, your set-up/process looks awesome.
I agree, most of my plants will be fine after the minor frost bite.
I did and still am hardening off my plants.
They have been on a porch and covered patio that gets sun all morning long.
Most of them are on carts so they can be easily moved around or indoors when we get a passing thunderstorm.
My first plant to actually have a multiple of pods on it.
Still early in the season here in Northwest Ohio.
My Purple Cayenne plant is beautiful.
I do not know much about this pepper.
I know it will turn red if allowed to fully ripen.
Is it eatable at this stage or better left to fully ripen?
I had a battle all winter with aphids early on in the grow room, but now things are outside and doing better.

A few weeks ago, I had a battle with what I found out to be cutworms.
Initially thought that rabbits or some other critter was topping my plants.

Finally put down some Diatomaceous earth.  
Problem resolved.  No more topped plants.
Wondering if anyone can give me an idea as to what might be going on with this one plant.
It is the only one that has these odd yellow markings.  
What might it need in the way of nutrients?


Many of my other plants are also looking a bit "yellowish".
It has been a very wet spring/summer.
Figuring that the nitrogen in the soil may have gotten a bit washed away/diluted.


Here in northwest Ohio we have had more than our fair share of rain.
A LOT MORE than we deserve or want.
Just a few photos taken today, Saturday July 18th,  of some of my pepper plants.
Regretfully my labeling system has for the most part failed me due to rain and dampness.
I am going to have to guess at the identity of many if not most of my pepper plants.







A couple more photos.
The first is a 7-Pot Burgundy.  Started getting color a couple weeks ago and has pretty much stayed just like this.

This are SBS Purple Ornamental, seeds are courtesy of Smokemaster.
Got a late start, but coming along.
Lilac Bell Pepper getting some color.
Will probably wait for it to turn a bit red to get sweeter before I pick one.
This was suppose to be an India Jwala.
Do not think so.
Any ideas?  Starts out purple and then changes to lighter colors.

winland said:
This was suppose to be an India Jwala.
Do not think so.
Any ideas?  Starts out purple and then changes to lighter colors.

This could be a Chinese 5-Color. They start purple, then white-ish, yellow, orange, then red. Or a Bolivian Rainbow.
I have never had any Bolivian Rainbow seeds.
Must have gotten my C5C seeds mixed up some where along the process.
Now I just have to find my India Jwala plant.  LOL