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winland's *not a glog for 2015

Looking good. Now you're off and joining the masses here. The color coding and labeling are great, just don't make the same mistake as me and start forgetting and mixing them all up.
OK, now that I have a few seeds sprouting, I am going to have to think about fans for my particular setup.
I figure a couple of pedestal, oscillation fans set up at each end of the rack at different heights.
Should the fans run 24/7?
Should you be able to see visible movement of the sprouts, but something under an F1 Tornado?
I have been using the T5 Lights as a heat source for the seeds, keeping the Jiffy Pellets between 85F - 95F
Now that I have seedlings, will it be detrimental / harmful to the seedlings to have the lights on 24/7?
Not sure how much distance I should have between my T5 lamps and the plants.
I do not want my seedlings getting leggy.
I also do not want the lamps to overheat the soil and dry it out or burn the emerging seedlings.
This photo is with the lamps about 2" above the soil 

This photo is with the lamps about 3 1/2" above the soil level.
My votes in for a full on glog! Awesome setup, especially for first year from seed. That's a huge list too, you got a back 40 for all those plants?

This makes me even more anxious and excited for my seeds to come in, my glog is wimpy at the moment.

Best of luck winland, I look forward to following your progress
winland said:
Not sure how much distance I should have between my T5 lamps and the plants.
This photo is with the lamps about 3 1/2" above the soil level.
This should be ok, maybe a lil higher depending on temps. T5 run hotter than T8 especially T5 HO. A fan can reduce temp and strengthen stems but will dry soil faster. 
Thought I would give an update to my "*not a glog".
Here is my grow list that I have now transferred to 3" and 4" pots
7-pot Brain Strain Yellow (ISO) 11
-pot Bubblegum 1
7-Pot Burgandy 10
7-pot caramel 4
7-pot Chaguanas 2
7-pot Gigantic SR Chocolate  9
7-pot Jonah 5
7-pot Primo 3
Aji Brazil Starfish 2
Aji Fantasy 4
Aji Lemon Drop 2
Aji pineapple 4
Aleppo 3
Bahamian Goat (ISO) 4
Bhut Copenhagen Orange 4
Bhut Jolokia Chocolate   5
Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon 2
Bhut Jolokia Peach 4
Bhut Jolokia Red 4
Bhut Jolokia White 2
Bhut Jolokia Yellow 3
Birgit's Locotos 4
Bishops Crown 2
Black Stinger 2
Burkina (Yellow)  1
Carmine 1
Carolina Reaper  23
Cayenne Orange 2
Chinese 5 Color 3
Criolla de Cocina (sweet) 1
Cumra Cherry 2
Daisy Cutter  4
Datil from pods 2
Defcon 7 3
Explosive Ember 2
Fatalii  Cream 1
Fatalii (Chocolate)  3
Fatalii (Yellow)  21
Filfil-I-Surkh 3
Habanero, Black Congo 6
Habanero, Congo,Trinidad Red 2
Habanero, de Arbol 3
Habanero, Paper Lantern 1
India Jwala 2
Italian Picante Cayenne 2
Jamaican Hot Chocolate 1
Jamaican Mushroom (red) 2
Jamaican Mushroom (yellow) 3 
Jimmy Nardello 4
Joe's Long Cayanne 3
Manzano  / Rocota yellow 2
Manzano / Rocota  (ISO) 3
Manzano / Rocota Red 2
Muleto Isleno 4
Naglah Brown 3
Piment D'Espelette 3
Pimenta Leopard 4
Pimenta Trepidiera Do Werner 4
Purple X 2
Red Ristra Chile 3
Scotch Bonnet (Red) 4
Scotch Bonnet Chocolate 9
Scotch Bonnet MOA  (ISO) 14
Serrano Carrot 1
Tabasco 2
Tepin   3
Thai Hot 6
Thai, Long 2
Trinidad Perfume 3
Trinidad Scorpion (orange)  8
Trinidad Scorpion CARDI red 2
Trinidad Scorpion CARDI yellow 7
Trinidad Scorpion Chocolate  7
Trinidad Scorpion Sunrise 1
Trinidad VV7 Scorpion (ISO) 3 
Urfa Biber 2
Venezuelan Tiger 3
Wiri Wiri 3      
I have another flat of 36 that are odds and ends but they are not ready to move into 4" pots yet.


There is still about 2 months until Mother's Day, May 10, which is frost free day.
These will CERTAINLY be more than ready to be transplanted into the ground by that time.
Just a quick update.
Running out of room.  Plants are getting big and spreading out.
Outside, Mother Nature is not cooperating at all.
Temperatures have been below freezing most of the week.
Weather man says we should have a warming trend next week.


Aphids have been a problem, so I bought a bunch of ladybugs a few weeks ago.
They seem to be helping to keep them under control.
The photo below is of a bug that I think, hope is a baby ladybug trying to clean up one of my yellow Fatalii plants.
Strange looking buggers ain't they? Look nothing like ladybugs but that's what it is. They're awesome because they gobble up twice as many aphids as adults do
Here in NW Ohio the temps have been up in the 70 - 80's the past couple weeks.
Planting/no frost date is Mother's Day.
So I started transferring my peppers from Solo cups to the ground a few days ago.
I have about  40 tomato plants up against the fence.
There are about 120 peppers planted in the ground so far.

The past couple of days have been in the 60's with 15-20 MHP breeze
Tonight is suppose to get down to 40 degrees, maybe 38 degrees.
Then the temps are suppose to rebound into the 70's for the foreseeable forecast.
Hope I don't get any frost.
My plants appear to have survived the night.
Low temperature was 37 degrees, but temperature at ground level was probably a couple degrees below that.
A nice warm up is forecast for the coming week(s) ahead.
I guess I spoke (typed) too soon.
Wednesday nights cool temperatures appear to have taken a small toll on the peppers that were in the ground.
About half of them have some frost bite damage.
Hopefully they should recover, just a bit of a setback
