buddy said:Boxed up and will be mailed in the morning. I was able to fit an extra jar of Aji Amarillo puree and two small jars of powders in the box. Hope that you like everything. There are 2 different batches of taco sauce (made with different combinations of chiles). Take care and congratulations.
tctenten said:Wow!!! 2 contests in one day. Thank you so much.
Hope that you enjoy your package! If you don't like something, let me know and I will send you an alternate. Take care.tctenten said:When you see one of these boxes at your front door, you know you are in for special treats.
I want to try it all immediately. Two different batches of taco sauce, 2 bottles of hot sauce(the jalapeño and smoked moruga purée sounds great), a jar of Aji purée and some powders too.
Buddy thank you for the contest.