• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Winter indoor grow/ 2020 grow list

Started the carolina reapers a few days ago for a winter grow the temp is averaging 84.6-85.1F. Just fine tuning the station before planting the rest in Jan/Feb 2020.


  • reaper grow.jpg
    reaper grow.jpg
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  • 2020 grow season.jpg
    2020 grow season.jpg
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PaulG said:
Great looking pods, TBF! Some very interesting
 varieties going in your grow this season!
I like funky pods and I can not lie!! :dance:  Thanks PaulG, just can't wait to munch on them. Have a line up for next year grow already in the works....stayed tuned. ;) Also want to mention CaneDog thanks with the info for crossbreeding pepper plants, but with work, growing, etc.there isn't enough time right now to go that route. I'll just enjoy the fruits of others labor for now until there is enough spare time to do so. Thank you much CD and PaulG!
TattooedBullfrog said:
I like funky pods and I can not lie!! :dance:  Thanks PaulG, just can't wait to munch on them. Have a line up for next year grow already in the works....stayed tuned. ;) Also want to mention CaneDog thanks with the info for crossbreeding pepper plants, but with work, growing, etc.there isn't enough time right now to go that route. I'll just enjoy the fruits of others labor for now until there is enough spare time to do so. Thank you much CD and PaulG!
:thumbsup:  You know, that's where I've found myself this season and the plans I had for various crosses just hasn't happened. 
Looks like you're going to have some awesome harvests coming down the pike with all those gnarly pods.
No shortage of  :fireball:  in your near future!
CaneDog said:
No shortage of  :fireball:  in your near future!
Indeed CaneDog! The Chocolate Bhutlah started to produce first, then the Apocalypse, and the Death Spiral. I figured if the Reaper didn't do anything at least the CB plants were, personally think they are more flavorful and hotter then a Reaper. Most of the varieties on the grow list this year were simply stunned by this years weather, a lot of rain, heat waves, and severe storms. Gave some plants to a co worker who is a pepperhead but haven't had any feedback on the growth.
Pink tiger x peach bhutlah. A silly rabbit has been munching on these two plants and even took a pod, once again sprinkled cayenne powder on all plants.

Chocolate bhutlah pods.

Got the gherkins canned up.

Since the mask mandate is getting out of control, thought might as well have fun with it.

Fridays harvest: chocolate bhutlah, couple death spirals, hand full of reaper chupetinho, and sour mexican gherkins.

Death spirals coming on strong.

Going to have hell of a harvest with the chocolate bhutlahs.


Apocalypse scorpions starting to turn.
Hey, TBF, ya gots some real superior gnarl going on there!
My mouth burns from just looking at the pictures  :rofl: