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overwintering Winter is coming.26 kgs of pods from 8 plants and time for a haircut.

Great yield.  Gotta say you put a smile on my face.  Here I am in KY watching people south of me talk about planting out.  Further south of me and people are harvesting.  Finally to read someone is putting there garden to bed.  It reminds me of the months of joy I have ahead and makes me stop thinking about the cold weather behind.
ErolDude - If I go by the absolutely no more frost date, I have a bit more then two weeks.  If I go with the probably no  frost date, I have one week.  If I go by the 10 day weather report, i am good to go now.  I am not going by the 10 day weather report cause it changes every 10 minutes.  So I am flipping rows and mulching away, getting read for the blessed day when my house becomes a lot less green.  My kids are all like: Yay, we get our windows back.

How bout you.
Well, temperatures are about 15 over night so I am slowly moving things outside, still fear the late frost but yeah zone 7b should be fine already. I can't open my windows literally am dying to put this stuff on the balcony :D