overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

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  • A muppet

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  • A muppet

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Damn this weather!

I have a bit of a problem after getting back from Melbourne. I was only gone one day so i moved all my smaller plants (that's most of 'em :lol:) inside under my CFL because of the terrible weather.
When I got back I noticed some of my new growth looked ill-formed and yellow with some necrosis. Leaves are crinkled and some are "burnt" around the edges and have yellow/brown spots (still very small) on them.

Bacterial spot? fert burn? over-watering? Fungal? Root rot?
I had just hit them with some pyrethrum before I left, it couldn't be that could it?



EDIT: Added a topic

looks fungal. Spray a fungicide. Might not cure this plant but will hopefully stop it from spreading to others. I just did all mine with mancozeb, the plants don't look very healthy but I remember someone saying earlier in the thread to me that the sulphur will make them loose leaves etc but then they come back good? We'll see. Looks like megamoo's weeds in the photo have the bacterial problem i had... must be the season for it and spores are flying around everywhere???
looks fungal. Spray a fungicide. Might not cure this plant but will hopefully stop it from spreading to others. I just did all mine with mancozeb, the plants don't look very healthy but I remember someone saying earlier in the thread to me that the sulphur will make them loose leaves etc but then they come back good? We'll see. Looks like megamoo's weeds in the photo have the bacterial problem i had... must be the season for it and spores are flying around everywhere???

Cheers Candice, shall do.
It's spread to most of plants :-( but I'll be keeping it away from my seedlings!
no worries. I still believe that mine were seed borne originally but I'm starting to also agree that the weather and conditions have encouraged it and it is probably something you can't help.
Bunnings have a heap of things you can buy, you could use copper oxychloride which i think does bacterial and fungal? or you can make up a boardeaux spray
Should be spraying mine again today but we are going to the royal show and then its raining the rest of the week. I'll see if i can squeeze it in this morning.
no worries. I still believe that mine were seed borne originally but I'm starting to also agree that the weather and conditions have encouraged it and it is probably something you can't help.
Bunnings have a heap of things you can buy, you could use copper oxychloride which i think does bacterial and fungal? or you can make up a boardeaux spray
Should be spraying mine again today but we are going to the royal show and then its raining the rest of the week. I'll see if i can squeeze it in this morning.

Yeah, I was thinking of trying a copper based thing, but it's homemade until I can get down to bunnings so I went with a cinnamon and milk spray... Probably won't do much but hopefully it'll help slow things down. The weather down here is still pretty miserable too :-/
A nice little discovery today....


A tiny little ripe Datil x Limon. :dance:

Also, NOT Dorset Naga coming back quite nicely after overwinter prune....




Dunno what the burns are from (possibly Rogor) but the plant is exploding! You can't really see the extent from the pics but the plant is absolutely loaded with buds and flowers (and even some pods forming already).
Go you cats!!!

P.S. i wasnt really interested in the grand final (since i barrack for port) but i am very happy that the pies didnt win :)

Hahah, likewise... I'm a Brisbane (well.. Fitzroy) supporter, and not a very rabid one at that, but it's always great to see the pies lose! Muhaha.
looks fungal. Spray a fungicide. Might not cure this plant but will hopefully stop it from spreading to others. I just did all mine with mancozeb, the plants don't look very healthy but I remember someone saying earlier in the thread to me that the sulphur will make them loose leaves etc but then they come back good? We'll see. Looks like megamoo's weeds in the photo have the bacterial problem i had... must be the season for it and spores are flying around everywhere???

They were broad bean leaves with the crap all over them. I've cut them down and eaten them but I must have fungal issues with my chillies because the fungus gnats wouldn't be so prevalent. The purpling problem I had during winter was probably a fungus too, made worse by too wet and hot conditions.

I'm fed up with it and I'm going to use a fungacide. The eco-oil I sprayed today seems to have affected only the bugs I directly sprayed with it, new gnats have moved right in now.

My bucket plants are just not draining well enough so I'm going to have to repot all 18 of them and add 30% perlite or something. Hooray :rolleyes:
Cheer up mega.
I've had the poor drainage and fungus gnat problems too! Got nowhere out of the rain to keep the plants in. So when it rains they get too wet and get severe yellowing. Sure, I could bring them inside, but I don't want fungus gnats inside the house!
I don't want any bugs inside the house. Somehow last week I got a mozzie or something like it attacking me, about 60 bites while I slept, back, neck and chest and arms. Right arm has 20 bites on it on the underside, chest and stomach has another 20! They really did a number on me, I've never seen it so bad. Gave me some type of disease too as I had the squirts for the last 2 days. :(

I had the purpling thing too. Seems to affect hungarian blacks the most, then jalapenos and hungarian hot wax. Didn't affect chinense plants except for bih jolokia and dorset naga (maybe they have some type on non chinense DNA is them?). Standard scotch bonnets, habaneros, 7 pots etc did not get any purpling. I put it down to the lights myself. Standard CFLs too close and too hot, and MH lamp too close and too hot seemed to cause it.

So anyway, my plants, including the purple leaved annuums, are just too cold, too wet and growing too slow. Some chinense seedlings are just yellow, all are stunted. Wish I could grow something like JR or milkman :(

And I got damn aphids today!

Chillies are just a bitch to grow for me you know.

Last week I found a pack of cherry tomato seeds I bought and opened 3 years ago. Never got any success growing them back then, so forgot about them.
Last week I applied everything I learnt about growing chillies this year, instantly got 8 cherry tomato seedlings sprouting in 5 days from old seeds not stored properly.
Last batch of chilli seeds I germinated 2 months ago, I planted a tomato seed. That tomato plant is now 40cm tall and starting to flower. My chillies are tiny stunted things...That aphids now want a piece of.

edit: not a total downer though. I learnt better ways to germinate ANY seed. I learnt the difference between 'wet' and 'moist', and the fact that some potting mixes will go only between too wet and completely dry, so are no good. Also that some potting mixing come free with fungus gnats. I also learnt that I am not going to plant chilli seeds before september, doesn't work for me with what I have available. But If I do, ceramic pots with heaps of perlite is the way to go (I've got some non chilli plant is ceramic right now that I can't keep moist enough despite the cold wet weather.)
Same thing happenned to me last tuesday with the bites but it wasn't a mosquito. I've never been allergic to anything in my life but I woke up with bites all over my chest and back. My two year old also had a rash suddenly come up on his legs at the same time. I thought it was a mosquito or bed bugs but couldn't find any. Next day I washed and cleaned all my sheets etc but still got more and more bites. Turned out it was an allergic reaction to dust mites or something. So damn itchy! I was covered in hives all week. It's only just stopped now. Had a sick guts too. Must be something going around. Probably came from chilli seeds since you got it too :rofl:

I'm going to elevate all my buckets on a metal rack like nurseries do so the bottoms can air. I'm also going to put up a black plastic screen to shade the pots so they don't overheat when it gets really hot, AND put them under shadecloth. As well as use a drip retic system and repot with perlite. It sounds like a lot of stuffing around but I have access to all the materials free I just need the time.
I put my first batch of plants in the garden beds this weekend! 10 x TS Butch T's.

I am off to USA for 2 weeks as of Thursday, the wife has been given the grand duty of maintaining everything while I am gone. Divorce is on the cards if I return home to anything dead!
Just whacked another 24 varieties into Jiffies yesterday.... wish me luck! I'm seriously gonna pull my hair out if germination doesn't improve this time around. Dunno what I'm doing differently to usual but so over shit not germinating! :mad:
Just whacked another 24 varieties into Jiffies yesterday.... wish me luck! I'm seriously gonna pull my hair out if germination doesn't improve this time around. Dunno what I'm doing differently to usual but so over shit not germinating! :mad:

I got bored yesterday so i put down around another 50 seeds, dont know why i keep doing this, i dont have enough room for the plants i already have lol.

I've had much better results with my last lot using good ol' Yates seed raising mix, I must say. Never using jiffys again

I have only effer used jiffy pellets. Have never really had a problem with them...What issues were you having Raelacea?
I have only effer used jiffy pellets. Have never really had a problem with them...What issues were you having Raelacea?

I'm not really sure what the issue was but I just got a much better strike rate and quicker germination using seed raising mix. I used two different types of jiffys though (some cheap ones from eBay & jiffy brand ones). The cheap ones were terrible! The normal ones were fine but still didn't work as well for me.
I'm not really sure what the issue was but I just got a much better strike rate and quicker germination using seed raising mix. I used two different types of jiffys though (some cheap ones from eBay & jiffy brand ones). The cheap ones were terrible! The normal ones were fine but still didn't work as well for me.

When you use seed raising mix, how do you have your germination station setup?
How do you keep it warm?
I use jiffy's in a little greenhouse on a heat mat, and like i said before it works for me. That said i am yet to try seed raising mix and i dont know if putting it in little pots in my greenhouse would work, plus i can fit more jiffy's in there then i could little pots.
Might be time to experiment...