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overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

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  • A muppet

    Votes: 20 34.5%
  • A muppet

    Votes: 15 25.9%
  • A muppet

    Votes: 23 39.7%

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Got some new sprouts again yesterday. Another Purple Tiger, Bishops Crown and a Mystery Big Harbour Jalapeno (its mystery is the fact I have no idea what type or origin it is and the Harbour part is the fact the fruit was from the Harbour town markets and the big part is it was a friggin massive jalapeno that I got the seeds from :lol: thats my naming rationale)

I dried the seeds out in paper for 3 days soaked them for 16 hours in chamomile and seaweed and put a bunch into a jiffy pellet not knowing if they were viable or not.

Bang I am going to end up with too many Jalapeno seedlings in 1 jiffy pellet :rofl: so far I have 4 up and I think I put about 9-10 seeds down.

Hopefully they grow true like the parent pod as they are great sweet/capsicum taste and huge/thick walled/juicy and have a weird stingy burn that hits your lips well after you have eaten them.
After reading 110451752478's comment about him germing at 41 celcius i decided to turn the temp up in my germ box. The heater only goes to 34 celcius so i whacked it up there. Came out this morning to find a Hungarian Black had popped! I think it was too fast to say that the elevated temperature helped as the seeds have been down for about a week however i do know that it doesn't cook them at 34. I will leave it there and see how the others go.
After reading 110451752478's comment about him germing at 41 celcius i decided to turn the temp up in my germ box. The heater only goes to 34 celcius so i whacked it up there. Came out this morning to find a Hungarian Black had popped! I think it was too fast to say that the elevated temperature helped as the seeds have been down for about a week however i do know that it doesn't cook them at 34. I will leave it there and see how the others go.
Maybe I should close my vents on my system to get my temps up then as well.

I can't get any Hungarian Blacks to pop or Fatalii's :(
I have been having a real beeech of a time with Fatalii's too amongst others. Will be interesting to see how these higher temps work out.

yup thats how i felt yesterday!
so as suspected the seedlings that I quarantined which were watered with water from the affected plants have now got the disease so I will be throwing all away.
But on a positive note from the new lot that I sowed on the 18th I have 2 hooks of Limo Blanco up :dance:
Fingers crossed that this lot is good and that more hooks start showing.

P.S My last lot that I sowed where I got very fast germination were all sown just below the surface - hence the quick germination. Also 60% of them had helmets which I haven't had a problem with before. So perhaps the others here that are getting a lot of helmets aren't sowing them deep enough as the soil helps remove the seed coating as they emerge? I know this is probably very obvious but I dont think it was mentioned previously when we were all discussing it so could be a possibility? ...
Yup when they have to go through more soil they stay moist and have something to help pull their caps off.
Happens all the time to me if i don't plant deep enough or if the medium is too soft i.e. coir.
Haven't had it happen much in jiffies but i do tend to plant them deeper, up to 8mm sometimes when the pellets crack open.
I thought megamoo had a post about seed caps? I remember something about him saying how to remove a stuck cap and to plant the seeds deeper in the first place to prevent it.

But yeah, you're both right, planting deeper means the friction of the seedling hooking up and straightening, and the soil keeping it moist means it will pull it's own seed cap off as it breaks through the soil.

When I was first experimenting I got a few seed caps stuck when planting only ~5mm deep. I haven't had a stuck seed cap since I started planting about 10mm deep. Though I have accidentally gone too deep, like 15mm or more after watering and everything settling, cotyledons rot under the soil a bit though the seedling still makes it out OK, or just once I've had a seedling give up and start going horizontal.
As someone said, the point is the seed only has a little food to help it germinate and sprout, so too deep is worse because of that and the micro organisims and stuff in the soil that would rot the cotyledons.

But stuck seed caps are mainly a problem due to the fact they dry out, so maybe cover the pot with glad wrap and keep it moist, like it would be kept moist by the soil if it was planted deeper.
Finally had some time to post pics of what's happening at the start of the chilli season.

The entire front row is also Bhut's, recently cut back and topped up with soil. The row behind it needs replacing, only one of those plants survived winter and it's a 3 year old Red Thai. The two rows behind it I have now dedicated to non chilli plants.
Hey mate, found your thread: http://www.thehotpepper.com/topic/5799-an-early-start-to-the-aussie-grow-season/
One of the first Winter in Oz threads :)

Still use that grow room are you only using LEDs now like your recent post here?
After reading 110451752478's comment about him germing at 41 celcius i decided to turn the temp up in my germ box. The heater only goes to 34 celcius so i whacked it up there. Came out this morning to find a Hungarian Black had popped! I think it was too fast to say that the elevated temperature helped as the seeds have been down for about a week however i do know that it doesn't cook them at 34. I will leave it there and see how the others go.

I have made 2 changes.
i) about 6-7 seeds planted in dirt rotted away from my first THSC plantings. Only got 1 out of 4 choc bhuts, choc habs and fatalii. So I changed to the paper towel in a plastic container method for germination.
ii) I have an old opened pack of bell capsicum seeds on the shelf. Been sitting around improperly stored for years and well past their use by date. I put them on a paper towel and cranked up the heat. The hotter I went (up to about 36C) the more seeds germinated.
Got about 8 of them germinated now on a paper towel.

So I'm cranking up the heat and staying with the paper towel method.

Also this morning I got another choc hab and a brainstrain seed germinated.