Pablo definately option 2!
To everyone else, if I was going to plant in the ground, what's the best place to do it bearing in mind the 40C hot suns we get here in Perth? I have the option of one patch that gets afternoon sun and is near a tin shed wall (that was my winter planting spot), or I have a patch cleared 4m from a tree. It gets morning direct sun, then shaded afternoon sun by the tree.
Crazy, i wonder how many people simply type in "winter in oz" on google?25,000 views![]()
Just been looking at these Anti-Spiral Pots from garden city plastics. They are a similar premise to rocket pots except that they come in 20litre size in a minimum of 10 rather then 50 rocket pots. I have just wrote an email to ask how much they are.
Crazy, i wonder how many people simply type in "winter in oz" on google?
Edit: When i just searched google it was the fifth listed!
Welcome to my world.... it's been like that all winter for me.I am having a real P&%%&K of a time getting any seeds to germinate at the moment.
lets hope those seeds germinate quickly for you candice and we see more then tomatoes in the setup. Nice little set up candice what type of nutes do you usually use?
Is yours like a half/full mash? Adam just put our keg in the fridge. Will be ready soon. In the meantime have been drinking the new James Squire One Fifty Lashes Pale Ale. Quite nice!Instead of spring cleaning i decided to make beer. On the brew list tonight is a lovely sparkling ale using goo and crystal, saaz and honey maybe some fuggles too.![]()
It's been on and off for me. Some things are easy to germinate, some things really hard. Fatalii, all yellow 7 pots, trinidad scorp, congo black and choc bhut were hard. Heaps of no germination, or tiny weak seedlings, I maybe only have one viable seedling from each.Welcome to my world.... it's been like that all winter for me.![]()