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overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

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After two 3 and 4 degree mornings all my plants look ok. There are a few nibble marks but nothing major.
Looks like a week of sunny but not too hot conditions coming up. Perfect weather for the new transplants. If I get the watering and feeding schedule right there should be some good growth.
Anyone know who was talking about testing out the air pruning or fabric pots in this thread a long time ago? Do they work or what? I've been reading up on them and want to give them a go if I can find them for not too much $$$ Anyone know where to get them in Perth cheap?
Was up to 2am this morning making yellow chilli jam. ( Mixed scotch Bonnet tfms and yellow 7 pot/pods frozen from earlier this year) turned out awesome ... just had some with poached eggs ... yahoo it is good stuff. Sweet and sour and nicely building hot (pretty dam hot)
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Anyone know who was talking about testing out the air pruning or fabric pots in this thread a long time ago? Do they work or what? I've been reading up on them and want to give them a go if I can find them for not too much $$$ Anyone know where to get them in Perth cheap?

Didnt someone say somewhere you can use those enviro bags from like woolies and coles etc??

Im going to need to buy some pots some time, i have a lot of seedlings on the way...

One of my plants which was sick after overwintering struggled with these cold and rainy days, its gone yellow on its baby leaves that were coming. So i planted it into some new dry ground.
If you could use them that would be great! Cheap and easily available. I'm looking at getting an order into garden city plastics for a whole bunch of pots if all my seedlings start to take off. For whatever reason I'm not convinced the 9L buckets with holes will cut it. Maybe they are too thin walled and the roots heat up too much.
Yeah i bought a couple of those bags from Bunnings recently for that purpose. They are only a dollar each too..

I've still yet to try them out though, as a few days after i bought them for the purpose i stumbled across a load of big pots for free at a building site.

I too bought some of those 9l buckets, but i've held off too, as i just had that sneaking suspicion about them going brittle in the heat. I guess if you had one inside another one (both with drainage holes) then that might work out? But that defeats the object of them being cheap to purchase and may as well get proper pots then eh?!
I chucked one in a coles bag. The bunnings bag is much bigger and I didn't have enough potting mix for that one.
It was more of a winter thing, to see if it could escape being over watered due to rain better than a bucket, as it could breathe/evaporate water better.
Tests are inconclusive as it was in baileys premium potting mix, and that's been crap for me. Last year I started off with debco organic for 20 or so plants, putting them in 9L buckets. I ran out of money and baileys was on special for $6 so 30 or so plants potted in that in the end. Most of those plants died in the end.
Even for my first few new seedlings this year, I used left over baileys, and they have been the slowest growing plants I ever had...

Definitely have to track down a decent garden/soil place for bulk organic soil before I repot next month from 330ml and 750ml containers into the 9L buckets again. Can't afford the bagged debco organic or amgrow organix prices anymore since I'm not working right now.

Though if you are worried about summer heat, i don't see the bags being better than buckets, the roots will have to be hotter wouldn't they? I can get away with either as I put my plants under trees, so they only get morning sun anyway.

Doubling up the buckets (or wrapping them with maybe newspaper?) could be an idea. Proper pots aren't cheap, like $6 for a decent 30cm dia one, and 25cm buckets are 72c each, so two of them in only $1.44. Cheaper pots aren't going to be any thicker than the buckets.

The buckets become brittle, last year I bought red and green, the red ones faded and became more brittle than the green for sure. Only problem I had with 2 green ones was cracking at the lip when I picked it up at the rim. The other 20 or so green ones are still perfectly fine handling the same way, but as I said, mine spend half the day in the shade, also I got a bunch or proper pots that cracked after 2 years or so as well, that's why nurseries and wholesalers give them away, cheaper plastic proper pots aren't made to last either (anything under $5-6).

BTW only tried a reusable shopping bag because of this post by cayennemist http://thehotpepper.com/topic/33003-bigger-pots/page__hl__bags#entry670559
Ive had great results with these old stock feed bags, it was just an experiment earlier in the year to see how the plants would grow in them, i put 25 odd Thai Birdseye in there & they are growing nuts, better than any of my plants.

The roots can breath very well.



I have quite a few of those bags, also can prolly grab more with or without horse manure in it, i live near the racecourse!

There are two types, the one you see used to hold grain & breathes/drains nicely, the other type has more of a plastic coating (still woven stuff) but used to hold chook pellets that must resist water penetration & no good for the job.

it would be grain because its the horses feed, barley hay etc...

In other good news, my first seedling has emerged from the jiffy!! i haev about 15 seedlings from jungle rain. hope they all pop through soon
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Ah of "course" haaa get it? never mind.

Yep if you roll the top down like i did it gives you a nice handle, plus the more you roll it down the less potting mix you use.

I used 40 litres of potting mix in that sack, but then i did have 25 plants to grow.

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My mother-in-law has a couple of rocoto plants growing from seedlings I gave to her last season - they've been producing all winter (with no attention given to them...). Today I got these pods, around twice the size of what they had been producing:

This seems to happen to me a lot. You give seedlings to family members who give them no attention and down the road you hear about how freaking huge and productive they've become!
repoted my 3-5cm seedlings (they are old just stunted, of chilli and tomato) into the good life soil companies soil.

The stuff looks good, the bag was still warm inside as its composting!!, had to squish up a few lumps of manure though.

*patiently waiting them to go nuts.

The seedlings i got from jungle rain have all almost sprouted, besides the devil tongue white...guess that one is slower.

I got some seeds from another user here so they will be next! 6 day germination

actually i bought some cucumber seeds, they amazed me, in one day they already had a 1-2cm root out of the seed...3-4 days the leaves are out kind of thing!