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overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

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Bhut unlike your fellas with electrickery i was doing it 'Oh natural' so winter im only getting the odd one pop up here & there.

Bhut now i have this magical thing called electrickery i can now buy a heat mat & lights. :dance:

Mezo (grid connected)
Sometimes it's not the seeds, but it's you or the media you are germinating in.
About 4 weeks ago I plants 20 new varieties.
4 popped up in the usual 1-2 weeks.
After that, nothing.
4 weeks later I checked them, 7 were rotted and bad seeds.
3 had germinated but didn't make it to the surface as they were watered in too deep (planted fine but they do get buried more if you pour water on them roughly)

The other 6, the seeds seemed too dry. I re-soaked them and in 3 days, 3 of that remaining 6 have popped out already.

Point is, it's not always the seed. Sometimes it's temperature, but also some seeds end up too deep, others get kept too wet or too dry. And that's using coir (and you would get similar results with peat or jiffies), when you are using seed raising or potting mix*, then results would be worse as you are dealing with fungus, bacteria and other nasties prevalent in moist soil you don't get with dried products like coir or jiffies.

* I've had a disastrous start to the season after potting up seedlings into potting mix. IE I germinate fine in coir, but then transplant into some potting mix, it doesn't grow or just gets root rot or stem shrivel (damping off) after transplanting due to fungus or bacteria in the potting mix. If you were trying to germinate in potting mix it might be the crap in the potting mix that is causing the seed not to germinate. Or it could be a mix that is very woody/chippy so the seed dried out as it's surrounded by that and air, not a moist close contact media.

From now on every bag of potting mix I buy gets places in a 40L tub and dried and baked in the sun before I even use it. I'm never letting that stuff get near a seed that needs germinating.

you are right, however in my situation they were all in the same condition in jiffy's
Bhut unlike your fellas with electrickery i was doing it 'Oh natural' so winter im only getting the odd one pop up here & there.

Bhut now i have this magical thing called electrickery i can now buy a heat mat & lights. :dance:

Mezo (grid connected)

Imagine that a sparky without power :P
Hmm sorry about the short reply up top, i was eating and typing one handed...

The seeds were all in the same container etc..anyways.

I had about 15 jiffys in my mini green house, all at different stages of seedlings (however the same species were quit4e similar).

I didnt have the individual pellets labelled as i had it all written down on paper where they were located .

Today there was a big change in the weather and it became very windy...my green house blew off the thing it was sitting on...SOO all my jiffys are upside down on the ground squishing all the seedlings and now i have little idea which is which..

Expect some identification questions coming in the next month when they get large enough to tell the plants apart :) lucky there is only 5 different species to pick from.

Does any one know rough estimates of time it takes for plants to reach their 3rd-4th leaves??

Im going to transplant the jiffys into pots soon but they are only on their 1-2nd set of true leaves, ill wait for the roots to grow out of the bottom some more as a sign they are healthy...
i has issues with a few early DTW's that i bought from grant.. but i put down a second few seeds and they came up nill issues so im putting it down to me not the seeds. everything else i have gotten from grant has been no issues at all.
Does any one know rough estimates of time it takes for plants to reach their 3rd-4th leaves??

3-4 weeks normally depending on the type of plant & the conditions its growing in.

Be patient, dont over water them (kill them with love) use fresh quality potting mix, & dont be worried about fertz for a while.

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exactly, my current seedlings look SOOO muich happier/healthier and growing much faster than the last lot..

overwatering and cheap potting mix kills them in no time ive found...
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I checked on my bulgarian carrot that survived winter outside, it has a lot of chillis growing on it now. Its not dropping its flowers anymore!!

Maybe this time i will let them ripen as last year none got past green :P

This was the same plant that had the black spot disease, i sprayed it with copper and it seemed to help alot. I havnt followed up with a second spray as i think it has done ok!
Hi guys!
I've spotted a good potential growing space on the other side of the house which is as of yet unused.. (yey!) But to clear it i had to remove a load of ivy (grrrr!) and whilst getting rid of it i came across a few strange looking insects and just wanted a heads up to whether they are a potential problem.
the only way i can describe them is that they sort of looked like a miniature walking leaf! (sorry..its the best i can come up with!) They had 6 legs and a bright green back that stuck up into the air...not sure if they fly or not though...and yes, i should have taken a photo!! doh!
I thought i'd ask in here as i wasn't sure if these were just an Aussie creature.
Its an "Australian Miniature Walking Leaf Insect" Nee, very common in Victoria.

What about that unused real estate on your garage roof mate?


Nah Serious, was it green? did it look like this?





Im sure it was a Mantis, a good thing.

Mmmm... my own foot.... nom nom nom. :lol: Nice pics, Meez! (You just jumped on the chance to show 'em off, didn't you... :P)

Leaf insect?


We used to have 'em around here when I was a little fella. I wonder what happened to 'em all....

Leaf hopper?


Sure I've seen these guys around too.
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Mmmm... my own foot.... nom nom nom. :lol: Nice pics, Meez! (You just jumped on the chance to show 'em off, didn't you... :P)

Yes guilty, but the do resemble a leaf from the back & do that rocking back & forth thing to mimic a leaf moving like a Phylliidae.

Thats my excuse Gas & im sticking to it. :party:

hahaha...you're on form tonight Mezzzz! :dance:

Im on form day & night Nee, its just my sense of humor, that`s what got me one warning points??

Yes points?? i got 'one' warning point for my humor, but how can 'one' be a plural? Dan gimme one more so it makes some sense.

Mezo. (happy to help in THP bug fixes)
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