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If you could have one or two different kinds of superhots all through the bleak gray winter and then well into spring what would they be?
Heckle said:
Doing hydro in the winter?
Well, I do "hydro" in the winter, but mostly the pots just come in from outside.
Edit: See my post in ghetto grow systems for what hydro means here.  Or I could explain it, in which case it's basically a bowl of water with a rockwool cube in the middle.
I will be doing 8 plants this winter in my same hydro NFT system that I used last year, except no tomatoes.
I have only decided on 3 of the 8 so far. 7 Pot Jonah, Yellow Fatalii, and Peach Wasp. Cant make up my mind on the others yet.
Heckle said:
Kinda like this answer.
I''m just slowly trending that way. It is a reliable well producing pepper that is plenty hot and doesn't have any negative aromas or tastes like quite a few of the supers do.
FYI, you may need to grow an annuum as well. When I was growing a ghost under lights a couple of yeas ago, I would get tons of flowers but no pollen. I had to pollinate with a jalapeno that were also blooming. I think my basement was either too cool or too dry for the ghost to make it's own pollen.