• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Wiri's 2020 Vision of Wild(s)

 Well it's about time to step up at home plate & present my Wild line-up card.Many players
added will  shore up my batting line-up courtesy of CD, hopefully  hit  a few dingers,go
yard ,clear the bases and  in the end have a # of  web gems to show off.So let the games begin.
Many are proven big leaguers so that should put me ahead of the count,right!And I promise to
play clean,without cheating absolutely no (base) stealing...no, not gonna do it ;) ,speaking of;the
Astros cheating scandal grows with each passing week. :rofl: enjoying the humiliation thou'.
Another shoe is about to drop on a nearby team...can't wait for Spring Training to begin.

These were  started on 1/28/20 using my  Aerogarden  lights only  so they're in soil.Don't
want to deal with tangled roots in transplanting to soil,so trying this way.
1,Tovarii  iso                                                
2.C Putapario op                                  
3.Lanceolatum 26C iso                                      
4.Rocopica Usda Cardenasii x Unk op                                         
5.Cap 1491 Eximium iso
6.Eximium not Buforum  CTB
7.Flexuosum Purple Pheno op
8.Dwarf Chilitepin        *** 1 hook 2/7
9.Cap 1491 Eximium op
10.Cardenasii Cgn   op
11.Flexuosum Purple Pheno iso
12.Cardenasii Usda iso
Seeds started 1/29/20   
13.Blue Mystery               **1 hook 2/7
14.Cardenasii USDA op
15.Cap 215  op  2016    (Microcarpum)
16.Pi 439528      2016    (Preatermissum)
17.Pequin annum var glabriusculum 2016        **1 hook 2/7
18.Cumari Pollux  2016
19.Galapagoense  age?
Started 2/2/20                                   
20./20.C. Flibu (guru)        
   Well I have a whole season to watch my plants grow & my baseball team win! Life is good.!
                      Here's my  NICU being closely monitored...Thanks for stopping by. ;)
Bhuter said:
Noice wilds!
I know it's late, but I have a USDA cardensaii that just germinated. Would you be interested in trying it out? I'm overrun.
Thanks B...I have that  one ...in fact it  is USDA OP..So now is a good time to express my utmost gratitude to CD for all he's shared with me!
I also have a USDA iso that is smaller..& another USDA OP also popped 3 days ago.. late bloomers seem to be in the cards for me this yr. :D
Hey Wiri.  Just an amazing job with getting your wilds to germinate so well. Glad you were able to find some time to post pictures.  That OP USDA Card looks dead-on true to me.
FYI - I just started putting my biggest wiri wiri outside during the daytime and it seems to love the natural sunlight.  Thanks again for those!  I think I'll start getting the other 2 out too, though they'll all have to come in at night for probably a few weeks still.  Do you have a feel for how cold tolerant they are?  I don't think it gets very chilly in Guyana, but the one seems plenty happy outside in the 50F + range.
Nice flower on the Cumari!  Hopefully many many more like that this season too.
CaneDog said:
Hey Wiri.  Just an amazing job with getting your wilds to germinate so well. Glad you were able to find some time to post pictures.  That OP USDA Card looks dead-on true to me.
FYI - I just started putting my biggest wiri wiri outside during the daytime and it seems to love the natural sunlight.  Thanks again for those!  I think I'll start getting the other 2 out too, though they'll all have to come in at night for probably a few weeks still.  Do you have a feel for how cold tolerant they are?  I don't think it gets very chilly in Guyana, but the one seems plenty happy outside in the 50F + range.
Nice flower on the Cumari!  Hopefully many many more like that this season too
Thanks CD..I'll try & post some more later on this eve.
Wiri's minimum would be ~50*F or so esp. since its soon to flower...won't want to interfere with that. ;)
Like Trinidad/Brazil etc. Guyana is hot & hotter  and humid...I visited there a while back but all I could remember is how
hot it was ((90+*) & how popular umbrellas were..don't see that much anywhere else.Can't take the brolly
away  from the ex Brit subjects. :rofl:
Hope it pods up real soon along with the others..I have some ways to go...I'm just creeping @this stage. :P
Have to add photos of my Galapagoense pepper plant...it had a bit of a set back during winter, moved it with good  response so
far ,has some new shoots & appears content for now :D  Very finicky & doesn't like location/environmental(T) changes I've learnt.
Gradual changes,humidity .and an occasional spritz . as the hairy leaves absorbs moisture from the air...so stretch the
h20-ing,I'm learning how to make this plant happy...degree of difficulty growing this is close  to 10/10..IMO .I've grown &
have learnt from my mistakes...(the hard way,go figure) :?:....but it's my favorite WILD hands down,& will keep at it till..
'cause I'm a glutton for punishment.well to some degree,another take on growing pains I suppose,it's the  challenge
that I love,...really!Nuff said. :eh:

A new addition to the family..#! Baby Galap..born 4 days ago after 22 days..& believe she may have some other siblings,fingers xed.
Again Thanks go to CD...for sharing these valuables with moi....I plan on keeping them all ...no culling here..
Ending the session with one of the orchids I re-bloomed over winter..(bought  on clearance,some tlc & viola!
Degree of difficulty 4/10...secret ...they like a period of ~60* or so in fall/winter to set bud along with proper nutes. :shh:

Thanks for watching me (my) grow....have to go watch SNL  new from.. home?..stay safe & well. ;)
Tybo said:
Nice update Wiri.  Wilds are looking good.
Did you get any peppers from your Galapagoense before you overwintered?  I have 2 of them started this season and was curious if they will fruit this year.
Hi Tybo..Thanks..if I recall I did get flowers but only 1 or 2 pods the first year,& I read that I was lucky to get that.
In the 2 nd year I got about 6 or 8 pods from the OW plants...but they did not fair well & subsequently lost them,which
I chalked up to op error ..its very finicky..recreating the  GALAP Islands conditions where they thrive is impossible,as even
in the GI the weather varies so much from one end to another...there's a big write up by Jukka & I  have emailed him a few xs.
Recently I ask ~ soil &  he uses a peat based one..I'll post a couple of my shots here from 2018..my plan as of now is to grow them
indoors..of course I may change plans mid stream..we'll see..I'll pop over later on & see how big your plants are,I'm catching up yet. ;)
The pixs below  are the plants form 2018...looking back I can see how the leaves in the last pix with the pods seems so dry,
as the high summer temps zapped the moisture from them,many leaves fell off..as compared to the earlier photos when it was not so warm.
                                      Happy Easter,enjoy as best you can..hope next year will be better for everyone the world over. ;)
                                                                                  Here's some others that were re-bloomed.
Nice looking Galapagoense, Wiri.  It's good to know what to reasonably expect from my plants so thanks for the info.
I've read that article by Jukka, (If anyone's interested--https://www.fatalii.net/capsicum_galapagoense.pdf) and found it helpful.  I'm still tossing around the idea of leaving mine inside this year.  Maybe hydro.  I've got a little time left to decide.  The weather is calling for a couple of nights in the upper 30's coming up so no chance of moving outdoors yet.
I haven't posted any recent photos on my glog in a few weeks.  I'll try to get some soon.
Stay safe.  It appears you are right there on the front lines!