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word of advice

if ya ever wanna make some pepper extract and you get your hands on some grain alcohol......DON"T DRINK IT STRAIGHT!!!!! It really burns ...for a few seconds and the you get all warm and fuzzy feeling.....watch out for the burps that follow....TOXIC!!!! lmao...I did do a shot of the stuff and it's highly unrecommended (even says so on the label)
Dyce51 said:
if ya ever wanna make some pepper extract and you get your hands on some grain alcohol......DON"T DRINK IT STRAIGHT!!!!! It really burns ...for a few seconds and the you get all warm and fuzzy feeling.....watch out for the burps that follow....TOXIC!!!! lmao...I did do a shot of the stuff and it's highly unrecommended (even says so on the label)
Ya! I've done some distilling in my time and let me tell you....that stuff strong!
I've posted this little recipe a couple of times, but it's worth repeating. Fill a few teabags with powdered Habanero (I use orange), Hang the teabags in some good vodka, put it in a closet for a few days, then put it on a window sill for a day or two, take out the teabags, and voila! Good stuff, and you don't have to worry about handling the extracts.
Good lord, you don't have dime Bars in the states? That makes you practically a third world country.

A dime bar is a thin chocolate bar, comprising a hard/ crunchy/ brittle caramel/almondy type centre part, wrapped in chocolate.

It is the single greatest chocolate bar in the history of chocolate, ever.

If it was a car, it would be an Aston Martin.

I would post you a link to the wiki article, but my computer is playing up.

edit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daim_bar
Sickmont said:
Dime bag vodka? Talk about a serious hangover-helper!
Would not work. THC only become active when heated. While the Alchohol would extract it, you would need heat. Salvia on the other hand...................
imaguitargod said:
Would not work. THC only become active when heated. While the Alchohol would extract it, you would need heat. Salvia on the other hand...................

The dime bag i was referring to does not contain THC....
imaguitargod said:
Would not work. THC only become active when heated. While the Alchohol would extract it, you would need heat. Salvia on the other hand...................

Or you could drink the vodka then just smoke the dime bag if you bought some of this:

That little circle on the front pops out to make room for a slide when you're done. Genius.
Sickmont said:
The dime bag i was referring to does not contain THC....
What an odd dime bag.... ;)

Txclosetgrower said:
Or you could drink the vodka then just smoke the dime bag if you bought some of this:

That little circle on the front pops out to make room for a slide when you're done. Genius.
:cool: OH! MY! GOD! Where can I find that?!?!
I made something similar once out of a coconut.

If you look at a coconut, at one end they have three "eyes" or little indents. If you drill through (carefully) two of the holes, you can use the coconut milk to pleasing effect. I seem to recall. It was a wee while ago.

Also made a fantastic contraption out of a traffic cone and a bin bag. Tape the binbag around the bottom of the cone. Push the bag into the cone. INsert "item" into a hole in the cone. Pull binbag out of cone so that smoke is drawn into cone/ binbag vacuum. When done, whole thing is full of smoke.

A friend of mine and I tried that at uni. He's dead now, but his fantastic gadgets live on.

Oh, mullet, here you go: http://www.theinvodka.com/
Shooty* said:
I made something similar once out of a coconut.

If you look at a coconut, at one end they have three "eyes" or little indents. If you drill through (carefully) two of the holes, you can use the coconut milk to pleasing effect. I seem to recall. It was a wee while ago.

Also made a fantastic contraption out of a traffic cone and a bin bag. Tape the binbag around the bottom of the cone. Push the bag into the cone. INsert "item" into a hole in the cone. Pull binbag out of cone so that smoke is drawn into cone/ binbag vacuum. When done, whole thing is full of smoke.
Oh don't get me started on all the smoking gadget's I've had to create, apples, bananas, Water Bottles, car lighters, beer cans (not recomended!), and the gravity bongs are too many to count. Ever use a bath tub filled with water and a 5 gallon water container.

Shooty* said:
Bwahahahaha! Their name is "Bong Spirit Import Company"!!! Hahahahaha!!!