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harvesting "World Harvest" bhut jolokia

Edit: I meant "Healthy Harvest", not "World Harvest". Oops.

I was surprised to see bhut jolokias for sale at a local nursery, since they never have anything that's very hot except for orange habs. They apparently come from a nursery called "Healthy Harvest" and they say "Ghost Pepper (bhut jolokia). I already have bhut jolokias, bih jolokias, assam bhut jolokias, naga morich, dorset naga, etc. but it was a nice looking, pretty good sized plant so I bought one anyway, partly out of curiosity. It's probably a foot tall, bushy, dark green, and in a 1 gallon pot for $6, pretty decent deal. The small picture on the tag looks fairly bhut-ish, but the few peppers on there aren't pointy at all, they're kind of oval-shaped looking things but they do look fairly wrinkly like a bhut. Kind of looks like what I imagine a cross between a bhut and a red habanero would look like. Has anyone seen this before and know whether it's a legit bhut jolokia? It's not a big deal if it isn't since I have plenty of bhuts/nagas, I'm just curious because the picture looks slightly sketchy. I'll probably get a picture of the tag up later but don't really feel like doing it now, it's a bit of a PITA for me to put up pictures with my dumb phone.
Wow, that is surprising, hottest I've ever seen in our local nurseries is a Caribbean Red and the tags said world's hottest pepper.
I honestly believe there are more places ripping people off with fake Bhut jolokia plants than there are places being honest. Without a photo it's hard to give you an opinion on your pepper.
I honestly believe there are more places ripping people off with fake Bhut jolokia plants than there are places being honest. Without a photo it's hard to give you an opinion on your pepper.

I would bet a lot of nurseries are buying bunk seeds and selling fake Bhuts without knowing it, more so than intentionally ripping people off. (at least I hope so)
I would bet a lot of nurseries are buying bunk seeds and selling fake Bhuts without knowing it, more so than intentionally ripping people off. (at least I hope so)

It wouldn't surprise me. Many nurseries I've been to are just in the business of selling plants rather than cultivating, so their seeds are entirely sourced from third parties. The better nurseries will change their suppliers when they find there is a problem, but it's better to go through legitimate channels in the first place.
I would bet a lot of nurseries are buying bunk seeds and selling fake Bhuts without knowing it, more so than intentionally ripping people off. (at least I hope so)

It wouldn't surprise me. Many nurseries I've been to are just in the business of selling plants rather than cultivating, so their seeds are entirely sourced from third parties. The better nurseries will change their suppliers when they find there is a problem, but it's better to go through legitimate channels in the first place.
I reckon so too.... doesn't say much about the nurseries though if they don't ensure the plants are true prior to putting them on the market. :\
The nursery up the street got in some Bhut Lolokia plants yesterday.
$4.00 each and barely 2 in. tall.
Tag says 5-8in pods...
I have a feeling they will be PC1.

Tag says Ghost Pepper and Bhut Jolokia on it...
I have talked to the owner of a local nursery about super-hots. I may get him to sell some supers next year. They start their own seeds, I will see if they would like some of mine, free gratis, to make sure they are selling true to type peppers. He is interested in the Bhuts, since they are getting to be known by the general public as Ghost Chili's. I also told him that Scorpions would sell well, just because of the name alone, not just because they are hotter than the hinges of hades.
Ok playas, here is the picture of the tag that was on it. Sorry for the delay, been busy.


The more I look at the tag, I really can't see it being a legit bhut/naga, unless the picture is not the same as the plant. Looks like some other red chinense, not pointy at all, more short and oval-shaped. The skin does look wrinkly/bumpy and somewhat bhut-ish (although it's hard to see that from this picture). That's the only thing that made me think it might be what it's claimed to be. But yeah, I think it's another fake.

I'll grow it so I can see for sure, but I'm not expecting a legit bhut/naga. A big reason why I bought it was to see if it was real so that if it wasn't I could inform the nursery (and people here, in case they come across the plant from this company). It's a locally owned nursery, and seems fairly well run, so there is some chance they might actually care. There's also probably a good chance that they won't believe me. The people working there know nothing about chiles. I heard a lady tell someone that Kung Pao was the hottest chile in the world. They also sell a Carribean Red by some jerkoff named "Chef Jeff" with gigantic letters on the front that say it's the hottest chile in the world (I had to read the back just to find out that it's a Carribean Red). :rolleyes: They also have the infamous Burpee "World's Hottest" Orange Habanero. So that makes 3 chiles they sell that claim to be the world's hottest and aren't, even if the bhut jolokia is real. And I'm not even counting the Kung Pao. Of course, maybe Burpee means that it's the world's hottest habanero, but the quotation marks suggest otherwise, and even if that's what they mean that's not true either.
The nursery up the street got in some Bhut Lolokia plants yesterday.
$4.00 each and barely 2 in. tall.
Tag says 5-8in pods...
I have a feeling they will be PC1.

Tag says Ghost Pepper and Bhut Jolokia on it...

What do the leaves look like? PC-1 is a frutescens AFAIK so it should be pretty easy to tell if that's what it is...

Doesn't look like a Bhut on the tag, however they chuck whatever they want on tags. The general public just sees a gnarly lookin' red chilli and buys.
Last year at mid season I spotted a familiar leaf shape and pattern(Bhut Jolokia) growing at a nursery that I frequent quite often for used pots and growing mix. This nursery always has a huge variety of peppers (mostly annuums but some chinense and frutescens, but this was the first time I saw these. They did not have labels and they were separate from the other plants in one of the green houses. I inquired if I could purchase one as there were many and looked good. They called up the person responsible and he stated that they were special seeds of the worlds hottest pepper and they were not for sale. Maybe next year he replied. So I left with my pots quite amused. So far this year no where to be seen. Must have been to hot for the general public.

Have a great day folks!

Doesn't look like a Bhut on the tag, however they chuck whatever they want on tags. The general public just sees a gnarly lookin' red chilli and buys.

Thought about that too, but if they don't care/know enough to put a correct picture on the tag, it seems likely that they wouldn't care/know enough to grow and sell the correct chile. I searched the internet and couldn't find anything relating to this company, except the website for recipes that's listed on tag...www.gardenfootprints.com, but that site only has recipes and flowers. I guess I'll have to wait and see...
This year i saw at TM seeds.. online catalog, Bhut Jolokia and Chocolate Bhut Jolokia.. seed packs. So i bet we'll start to see them at "some" nurseries soon.
Well, whatever this is, it's growing like a champion. I hate to say it, but it might be my biggest, fastest growing, and healthiest chile plant. It's in a 7 gallon pot right now.


It was about 7-8 inches tall with a single stem when I bought it only a little more than 3 weeks ago. I wish I would have taken a picture of it then. If it's something decent I will definitely save the seeds because it looks like it's going to be a monster producer. :eek: I should probably stake it since it's growing to the side so much. Might be a little hard to do at this point though.